May 04, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer
Planning and Conducting Client Satisfaction SurveysAttorneys in law firms can no longer wait for the conveyor belt to bring to them new client work. Economic and cultural changes that have occurred during the last half-dozen years have caused law firms to reassess their marketing strategies in order to continue to obtain additional work from existing clients and to attract business from new clients.
By Joel A. Rose
10 minute read
December 03, 2007 | Texas Lawyer
The Economics of Acquiring a New PracticeLots of less-than-profitable practices would appear profitable when there is no allocation of general overhead.
By Joel A. Rose
6 minute read
December 28, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal
Trends in Midsized-Firm Management And Strategies for Dealing With ThemManaging partners in many midsized firms agree that several internal trends, over which lawyer management may exercise total or some control, will continue for the next several years.
By Joel A. Rose
7 minute read
April 30, 2007 | Texas Lawyer
Let Lawyers Participate in Their DestinyFirm management that does not acknowledge or reflect the contributions and needs of its members endangers the firm's cohesiveness and even its existence, no matter how many clients come through the front door.
By Joel A. Rose
11 minute read
April 20, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
The Law Firm Retreat: Not Just Rest and RelaxationA law firm retreat can serve as a practical management tool to accomplish many purposes. A crisis situation, for example, often dictates the need for a retreat. Or, if a firm's net profits are down, the objectives of the retreat might be to examine why this is happening and what to do about it.
By Joel A. Rose
9 minute read
March 02, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal
Choosing a Method of GovernanceIf a firm's management and administration are to achieve excellence, the lawyers need to have a conceptual understanding of what the firm must accomplish.
By Joel A. Rose
10 minute read
November 02, 2009 | Texas Lawyer
Handling Client Transitions EffectivelyIn many of the more financially and professionally successful law firms, the opportunity of the firm to profit from a transition at the right time has been well established, and client transition has become a function of management and development opportunity rather than age.
By Joel A. Rose
12 minute read
June 25, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Succeed Without (Feeling Like You're) Really TryingLast week, I wrote that the new challenge for law firms is how to increase profits and reduce their clients' legal fees. In it, I described seven approaches for enhancing profitability other than by working more hours and charging higher hourly rates.
By Joel A. Rose
8 minute read
September 05, 2011 | Texas Lawyer
How to Motivate Lawyers EffectivelyManaging partners in today's first-generation firms are increasingly aware of the need for an effective method of motivating their lawyers, says Joel A. Rose. The basic question facing these partners is how to enable lawyers to achieve — in effect, how to motivate lawyers so they will stay with the firm.
By Joel A. Rose
9 minute read
October 05, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer
Ten Approaches for Marketing An Employment Law PracticeThe easiest way to market an employment practice is to cultivate referrals from other lawyers.
By Joel A. Rose
9 minute read
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