John G Browning

John G Browning

April 13, 2022 |

You Won't Know It When You See It: The Challenges of Fabricated Evidence In the Digital Age

How significant is the threat of fabricated digital evidence that can alter the outcome of a case? In today's wired workplace, it's considerable.

By John G. Browning and Jonathan Bailie

12 minute read

April 08, 2022 | Legaltech News

You Won't Know It When You See It: The Challenges of Fabricated Evidence in the Digital Age

How significant is the threat of fabricated digital evidence that can alter the outcome of a case? In today's wired workplace, it's considerable.

By John G. Browning and Jonathan Bailie

12 minute read

March 24, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

'With All Due Respect … and Other Oddities'

A recent study done of British barristers concludes that their use of words such as "respectfully" and "with great respect" may be cloaked in politeness but actually "can indicate disrespect and undermine the professional competence of other lawyers."

By John G. Browning

6 minute read

January 27, 2022 | Texas Lawyer

More Awards We'd Like to See

At the heart of the case are allegations that the inmates were left alone in an attorney visitation room and forced to listen to the catchy children's song "Baby Shark" playing on a loop for hours on end.

By John G. Browning

7 minute read

November 19, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Be Thankful for the Weirdness

In the summer of 2019, Eric Dion Warren obtained a loaner car from a BMW dealer in Wolfforth, Texas. He allegedly then drove the vehicle to a bank, robbed it, and returned to the dealership and offered to buy the car with a down payment of $3,000--all stolen.

By John G. Browning

6 minute read

October 20, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Costumes and Lawyers are a Bad Combination

'... lawyers and judges should exercise caution when it comes to costumes, even in one's personal life.'

By John G. Browning

6 minute read

September 08, 2021 |

Slut-Shamed In the Workplace? Avoiding Exposure for Your Employees' Exposure

Situations involving an employee's voluntary online exposure rarely end well and can bring legal exposure for the employer.

By John G. Browning

14 minute read

August 17, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Awards We'd Like to See

Lucy apparently couldn't resist trying to feed the monkeys a Cheeto, even if she had to climb over a fence, cross a four-foot-deep moat, and risk attack by the primates (who have sharp canine teeth) in order to do so.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

July 18, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Cheesy Criminals, a Case With Bite, and More

Technology is a wonderful thing, but there are plenty of criminals who would disagree.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

June 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Be Civil or it May Cost You Money and Your Reputation

It would appear that, for now, in Texas we must rely upon the integrity of lawyers to conduct themselves civilly and, if they so choose, adhere to the Texas Lawyers' Creed.

By John G. Browning and Douglas S. Lang

15 minute read