John G Browning

John G Browning

May 12, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

More Craziness on Zoom and Other Legal Weirdness

When it comes to virtual legal proceedings we've almost gotten used to a sort of "what will happen next?" attitude, says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

March 29, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

March Madness in the Courtroom

Please take a moment to consider the funny or just plain strange moments that regularly crop up in our system of justice.

By John G. Browning

6 minute read

March 28, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Don't Pull a Toobin While You're Zooming, and Other Memorable Zoom Failures

If you're a lawyer who wore a tank top and sunglasses to your Zoom hearing, you clearly mistook your hearing for an episode of "Jersey Shore."

By John G. Browning

8 minute read

February 26, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Judicial Portraits and Messaging

At a time in our nation's history when public confidence in our system of justice has been eroded, any means of restoring that confidence should be welcome, including removing judicial portraits, says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

9 minute read

February 23, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Ridiculousness Knows No Limits

We are all human, and lawyers, like all human beings, make mistakes, but some mistakes loom larger than others, especially in the sometimes surreal existence during a global pandemic, says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

February 05, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

More Criminal Masterminds at Work

Crime doesn't pay, but those trying to commit them are sometimes good for a few laughs, says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

January 25, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

Pajamas in Court and Other 2020 Midadventures

Just because judges feel free to drop the occasional pop culture bomb in their opinions doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea for lawyers. says John G. Browning, a former justice on the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

November 16, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

The Best and Worst of 2020

It has been a horrible year to say the least. Fortunately, however, 2020 also gave us more lighthearted, strange and, even occasionally, uplifting moments, at least in the legal world.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

October 19, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Finding Humor in a Dumpster Fire of a Year

If you're like me, you treasure the rare opportunity to take a break from the drudgery of working from home while waiting for life to return to normal, and you revel in the bright spots of humor and weirdness that the legal system sends our way.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read

June 17, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

A Lawyer By Any Other Name

Ah, lawyer names. We've all got them, but some are funnier than others.

By John G. Browning

5 minute read