John P Furfaro

John P Furfaro

August 01, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Supreme Court Review: NLRB, ERISA, Affordable Care Act

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins address this term's Supreme Court rulings on the validity of the 2012 recess appointments to the NLRB, the constitutionality of state "fair share" laws, the enforceability of contractual limitations periods in benefit plans governed by ERISA, whether a special presumption of prudence applies to fiduciaries of ESOPs and religious exemptions to the contraceptive mandate imposed under the Affordable Care Act.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

11 minute read

June 06, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Supreme Court on Severance, Affirmative Action, SOX, FLSA

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins address the court's rulings in cases involving rights of a state's citizens to repeal affirmative action policies, the scope of the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, the meaning of donning and doffing clothes under the Fair Labor Standards Act and whether severance pay is subject to withholding taxes.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

10 minute read

April 04, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Government Focus on Fair Labor Standards

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, write that with more wage and hour scrutiny by the Labor Department likely after President Obama's signing of a Presidential Memorandum aimed at revamping overtime eligibility rules, it is a good time to review protections afforded to employees under the FLSA, penalties for noncompliance and the joint employer, hot goods and successor theories of liability under the law.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

11 minute read

February 07, 2014 | New York Law Journal

'Leaning In' Makes Legal Sense for Employers

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom write: Engaging with employees on sensitive personal issues is serious business but, if undertaken correctly, can be a win-win for employees and employers.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

9 minute read

December 06, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Affirmative Action: New Requirements

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom review final regulations expanding affirmative action obligations covering veterans and individuals with disabilities for companies contracting with the federal government or receiving subcontracts from primary contractors.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

8 minute read

April 09, 2001 |

New York Medical Residents Organizing at Increasing Rate

There is a growing trend among medical residents, interns and graduate students to organize and join unions to bargain with the educational institutions they work for while they obtain necessary training or earn their degrees. Two recent National Labor Relations Board decisions facilitated this movement by overturning NLRB precedent that prohibited such groups from being considered appropriate bargaining units.

By John P. Furfaro and Maury B. Josephson

1 minute read

December 12, 2001 |

Disaster Unemployment Assistance

Over 22,000 workers who lost their jobs because of the World Trade Center tragedy applied for unemployment insurance, but some of these jobless workers may have their applications for benefits rejected due to certain eligibility requirements. A special federal program, the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program, is designed to help those who are out of work as a direct result of a disaster but are not eligible to receive regular state unemployment insurance.

By John P. Furfaro and Maury B. Josephson

8 minute read

February 01, 2013 | New York Law Journal

NLRB Update: Groundbreaking Rulings, but Will They Survive?

In their Labor Relations column, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom's John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins discuss recent board rulings touching on a variety of issues, including the confidentiality of internal investigations and witness statements, the obligation to bargain over discipline of bargaining unit employees where there is no collective bargaining agreement in place, whether a mandatory dispute resolution policy interferes with Section 7 rights and employer obligations in connection with backpay awards.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

11 minute read

June 01, 2012 | New York Law Journal

EEOC's New ADEA Regulations and Criminal Records Guidance

In their Labor Relations column, John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom discuss a new regulation holding that the "reasonable factor other than age" defense applies to disparate impact claims, and guidance the EEOC said was needed as recent studies have shown disproportionately high conviction rates of African-American and Hispanic men.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

10 minute read

June 07, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Supreme Court Rulings Affecting Employers

In their Labor Relations column, of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom analyze recent opinions in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a collective action under the FLSA may not proceed when the representative employee's individual claims become moot, held that the ability to establish classwide damages is essential to a favorable ruling on class certification, and addressed the right of a welfare plan to reimbursement of funds that a participant recovers from a third party.

By John P. Furfaro and Risa M. Salins

10 minute read