Mark Bauer is the bureau chief of Texas Lawyer. Contact him at [email protected]. On Twitter: @MarkBauer
March 12, 2018 | Texas Lawyer
Three Texas Schools Among Top 50 Go-To Law SchoolsThree Texas institutions are among the top 50 law schools feeding the most graduates into Big Law.The University of Texas School of Law in Austin,…
By Angela Morris
4 minute read
March 09, 2018 | Texas Lawyer
Robert S. Bennett Deemed Ineligible for State Bar Board RaceWith only one dissent, the State Bar of Texas executive committee voted March 8 to affirm its executive director's decision that Houston attorney Robert S. “Bob” Bennett is ineligible to run for a seat on the bar's board of directors.
By Mary Alice Salmon
3 minute read
March 07, 2018 | National Law Journal
'Roe' Is the Scaffolding on Which a Slew of Liberties Are BuiltAny rollback of 'Roe' or its subsequent affirmations would have a ripple effect, weakening not just the right to abortion, but a range of other rights that protect our diverse life choices.
By Lourdes Rivera
5 minute read
March 06, 2018 | National Law Journal
So You've Had a Compliance Breach—Now What?Two compliance professionals offer seven steps to take in response to a major breach.
By Jerry Cummins and Carl Rizzo
5 minute read
March 05, 2018 | Texas Lawyer
State's Disciplinary Rules Now Allow for Subpoena of Lawyers Under Investigation“The guidelines set forth a comprehensive system for determining sanctions, permitting flexibility and creativity in assigning sanctions in particular cases of lawyer misconduct,” said the rule change.
By Angela Morris
5 minute read
March 02, 2018 | National Law Journal
Notable and Quotable: Who Said What the Week of Feb. 26The work week moves fast and the news even faster. Here we highlight the week's most notable and quotable so you're caught up heading into the weekend.
By Mark Bauer
1 minute read
March 01, 2018 | Texas Lawyer
One Texas Law School Is Doing the Heavy Lifting When It Comes to Diversity EffortsTexas legal educators are striving to recruit racially and ethnically diverse law students, but there's one law school that's excelling hand-over-fist compared to the others.
By Angela Morris
7 minute read
March 01, 2018 | National Law Journal
Prosecutors and Congress React to Attorney General's Marijuana DecisionProsecutors weigh in on U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' pot policy shift.
By Courtney G. Saleski and Mark A. Kasten
5 minute read
February 28, 2018 | National Law Journal
While Other Trump News Dominates Headlines, These Criminal Justice Reform Rollbacks Shouldn't be IgnoredIt's easy to lose sight of the effort that President Donald Trump and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions have undertaken to reverse many Obama-era criminal justice reforms, a former federal judge contends.
By Shira A. Scheindlin
5 minute read
February 27, 2018 | National Law Journal
Disentangling Ethics and the Law: What's Legal Isn't Necessarily EthicalThe American discourse on ethics and law lacks an understanding of how law may be constructed to shield questionable behavior.
By Karen J. Alter
6 minute read
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