Michael P. Maslanka

Michael P. Maslanka

October 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Five Hacks to Minimize Cognitive Load and Effectively Maximize Cognitive Processing Power

My law professor gig is now going on two years plus. I've learned a lot about teaching. (As the Zen expression goes: "a good teacher always remains a good student.") Here's one lesson: yes teach doctrine, yet also teach mindsets; that is a way of thinking.

By Michael P. Maslanka

5 minute read

September 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Social Anxiety: The Invisible Elephant in the Room

This month we look at an intractable issue: dealing with mental illness/cognitive impairment in the workplace.

By Michael P. Maslanka

7 minute read

August 02, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Follow the Golden Rule: Model Rule 5.6, That Is

It's easier to comply with the law than to circumvent it. This summer I am teaching this simple yet profound lesson to the students in our Professional Responsibility class.

By Michael P. Maslanka

5 minute read

July 24, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Spotting a Disability Covered by the ADA

Well, it's bar exam time so let's start off with a multiple choice question. Consider this list: dislocated shoulder; concussion; turf toe; severely sprained ankle; fractured arm. Where would you most likely find this list?

By Michael P. Maslanka

5 minute read

May 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

How Reading Poetry Helps You With Your Lawyering

Feeling down as a lawyer? Seeking transcendence? Needing a mindset transplant? Here's a suggestion: read poetry.


8 minute read

April 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

5 Questions to Help Determine If You Will Succeed as a Lawyer

And now for "Aspiring Lawyer," in which a would-be lawyer declares to an already-admitted lawyer that she'd be fantastic, because behind Door No. 1: "I relish arguing." Or behind Door No. 2: "I have a photographic memory." Or behind Door No. 3: "A jury will just love me because everyone does." Or perhaps all three reasons plus "I want to make some serious coin."

By Michael P. Maslanka

8 minute read

March 01, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Work Matters: Employment Law Predictions for SCOTUS

What's up with employment law? As usual, lots. Let's get up to speed on three issues heading ultimately to SCOTUS.

By Michael P. Maslanka

7 minute read

February 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Take it From Shakespeare—the Words 'Fair Play' Mean a lot More Than 'Don't Cheat'

There is a lot more there. When you watch the movie, you will see the time clock in the Hickory High School gym. Two words, one concept, are printed on it: "Fair Play." Know where the concept comes from? The very first to use it? Shakespeare.

By Michael P. Maslanka

6 minute read

January 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Recent Cases Moves Sexual Orientation Closer Than Ever to Protected Classification Status Under Title VII

Is sexual orientation a protected classification under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The answer was once a "no." But there were two November surprises that will likely start to change the answer to "yes."


8 minute read

December 01, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

The Goal for 2017? Practice the 'Big G'

Want to feel grateful at work? It is the place where we spend the most time other than being with loved ones. Ask not whether you are "happy" with your job but rather, as did the ancient Greeks, ask whether you are fulfilled in it.


8 minute read