Rhys Dipshan

Rhys Dipshan

CT-born, New York-based legal tech reporter covering everything from in-house technology disruption to privacy trends, blockchain, AI, cybersecurity, and ghosts-in-the-machine. Continually waiting for law to catch up with tech. (It's like waiting for Godot, but without the clowns)

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February 12, 2020 | Legaltech News

Knowable Launches Contract Analytics Platform, Centralizing Its Offerings and User Interface

With its new Contracts Data Management Platform, the Axiom spinoff is streamlining the way its users' access their contract data and the company's services.

By Rhys Dipshan

3 minute read

February 11, 2020 | Legaltech News

Data Privacy and Protection Take Center Stage at Legalweek New York

With data privacy and data protection being one of the biggest global challenges, it came as no surprise that these issues were a main focus at Legalweek New York last week.

By David Horrigan, Relativity

6 minute read

February 06, 2020 | Legaltech News

Judges: Social Media, GDPR Don't Impede Your Discovery Responsibilities

The Day 3 Legalweek judges panel stressed that, while much has changed in the technology, regulatory and judicial space, court expectations have largely stayed the same.

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read

February 05, 2020 | Legaltech News

3 Surprises Legal Teams Can Expect When Developing Internal Chatbots

At a Legalweek panel, those from all corners of the legal industry discussed what they learned from launching their own internal chatbots.

By Rhys Dipshan

3 minute read

February 04, 2020 | Legaltech News

Unprecedented Insights, But Unwieldy Governance: The Problem With Algorithmic Tools

At the "Algorithmic Malpractice & Lawfare" session of Legalweek 2020 in New York, a panel of legal and tech experts examined the paradox at the heart of today's most cutting-edge innovations.

By Rhys Dipshan

3 minute read

February 04, 2020 | Legaltech News

Beyond the Smart Contract Hype: Lawyers Dispute Promise of Self-Executing Contracts

Citing a number of legal and technical issues, a Legalweek panel pushed back the idea that contracts written entirely in code will ever be able to fully replace traditional, natural languages ones.

By Rhys Dipshan

3 minute read

February 04, 2020 | Legaltech News

How Blockchain's 'Paradigm Shift' Puts More Pressure on Legal's Tech Evolution

As part of the Legalweek 2020 Q&A series, Legaltech News speaks with blockchain researcher and entrepreneur Bettina Warburg on blockchain's potential disruption in the legal space, what attorneys most misunderstand about the technology, and more.

By Rhys Dipshan

5 minute read

February 03, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Legal's Metrics Don't (Yet) Measure Up

As the use of data grows, firms and clients look for alignment.

By Rhys Dipshan

9 minute read

February 03, 2020 | Legaltech News

Legal's Metrics Don't (Yet) Measure Up

A lack of standardization and communication bedevils the metrics legal departments use to evaluate their outside counsel, but there are no easy fixes.

By Rhys Dipshan

9 minute read

January 29, 2020 | Legaltech News

AI in the Courts: The Good, the Concerning and the Frightening

A panel at the New York State Bar Association's Annual Meeting looked at the ways AI can benefit, complicate and stifle the way judges and their courtrooms work.

By Rhys Dipshan

6 minute read