Rhys Dipshan

Rhys Dipshan

CT-born, New York-based legal tech reporter covering everything from in-house technology disruption to privacy trends, blockchain, AI, cybersecurity, and ghosts-in-the-machine. Continually waiting for law to catch up with tech. (It's like waiting for Godot, but without the clowns)

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October 08, 2019 | Legaltech News

Keep Calm and Practice: Lawyer Launches '21st Century' Sound Meditation App

Cincinnati-based lawyer Gary Powell has been meditating for over a decade. Now, he wants to bring his experiences to the broader legal market through his Legally Mindful app. But can attorneys keep calm while working?

By Rhys Dipshan

5 minute read

September 30, 2019 | Legaltech News

Goodbye Email, Hello Brave New World

As more clients ditch email for text and chat tools, attorneys and their law firms are forced to navigate the risks of operating in characters instead of paragraphs. Can they keep up with the times?

By Rhys Dipshan

9 minute read

September 30, 2019 | Corporate Counsel

Hello Brave New World: Law Firms and Their Clients Are Increasingly Interacting Via Text or Chat Messages

As more clients ditch email for text and chat tools, attorneys and their law firms are forced to navigate the risks of operating in characters instead of paragraphs. Can they keep up with the times?

By Rhys Dipshan

9 minute read

September 23, 2019 | Legaltech News

Autonomous Vehicles and Biometric Passwords Are Giving Lawyers Heartburn

A session at the New York State Bar Association's 2019 Tech Summit explored some recent tech advancements that are tripping up courts—and giving e-discovery a heavy dose of anxiety.

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read

September 20, 2019 | Legaltech News

3 Takeaways From NYSBA's 2019 Tech Summit

Hackers' Black Friday sales, the truth about smart speaker evidence, and how the phone is your best cybersecurity asset: Here's a wrap-up of the best insights from the first day of the New York State Bar Association 2019 Tech Summit.

By Rhys Dipshan

6 minute read

August 23, 2019 | Legaltech News

Time for TAR: Where Experts Say Technology-Assisted Review is Today

An ILTACON2019 panel looked at why TAR 2.0 doesn't mean the death of TAR 1.0, and why "technology-assisted" isn't synonymous with independent and automated.

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read

August 22, 2019 | Legaltech News

Legal Research Tools Are Changing Law Practices—to a Point

An ILTACON panel of Big Law experts agreed that legal research tools are making an indelible mark on the industry, but emphasized that all are not created equal. And despite common perceptions, these tools can't predict the future.

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read

August 21, 2019 | Legaltech News

How Knowledge Management Teams Can Weather the Next Recession

While many KM teams were too nascent to be hit hard by the last recession, the next one will likely be more difficult to weather. But it's far from a far gone conclusion, said an ILTACON19 panel.

By Rhys Dipshan

3 minute read

June 28, 2019 | Legaltech News

More Organizations Forgoing Legal's Input When Buying Privacy Tech

IAPP and TrustArc's “How Privacy Tech Is Bought and Deployed” survey found that legal teams have less input in the privacy purchases their organizations make—and that may be a good sign for adoption,

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read

June 27, 2019 | Legaltech News

Legal Wants More Certainty, Flexibility From Outsourced E-discovery Providers

The 'E-Discovery Unfiltered: A Survey of Current Trends and Candid Perspectives' report found that both legal departments and law firms are open to subscription pricing for e-discovery and value trust and responsiveness in their e-discovery providers.

By Rhys Dipshan

4 minute read