Shari Klevens

Shari Klevens

December 20, 2017 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Preserving Attorney-Client Confidentiality

Sometimes attorneys overlook the additional obligation set by the ethical rules for attorneys to protect confidential information obtained during the course of the representation.

By Alanna Clair and Shari Klevens

5 minute read

November 22, 2017 | The Recorder

Risks for Debt Collection Lawyers

Attorneys often think that an aggressive approach to litigation is part of the duty to act as a zealous advocate for clients. But attorneys who represent debt collectors may face additional risks, because California courts have held that litigation tactics may constitute violations of statutes prohibiting unfair debt collection practices.

By Alanna Clair and Shari Klevens

6 minute read

October 27, 2017 | Connecticut Law Tribune

The Very Real Danger of Cyberattacks

 Law firms have become prime targets for many types of cyberattacks, including phishing scams, technological spying and hacking. It is no…

By Shari Klevens and Alanna Clair

6 minute read

October 19, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Mitigating the Risks of Hidden Conflicts of Interest

It is common for law firms to have procedures for running conflict checks when new clients walk in the door and new engagement letters are signed.…

By Shari Klevens

15 minute read

October 18, 2017 | The Recorder

Safeguarding Client Funds From Hackers

What happens when a cybersecurity event implicates a firm's trust account? Are lawyers liable when a computer hacker steals client funds that the lawyers were safeguarding?

By Alanna Clair and Shari Klevens

18 minute read

October 10, 2017 | The Recorder

The Cumis Counsel-Insurer Relationship

The existence of the attorney-client relationship is often a necessary predicate to any potential claim of error or malpractice.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

6 minute read

October 04, 2017 | The Recorder

The Contours of Attorney-Client Contracts

In the United States, businesses and individuals are largely free to enter into contracts as long as they do not violate any laws or public policy.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

6 minute read

September 27, 2017 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Beware: Partners and Associates May Be Responsible for Each Others' Ethics

Most law firms operate within standard models for assignment and supervision of work. Partners and senior attorneys are assigned to delegate and supervise the work of junior associates. This is a model that typically works simply and well, without incident. However, not all attorneys focus on the fact that both the senior and junior attorneys may have obligations to observe, and to report, ethical obligations of the other.


5 minute read

September 26, 2017 | The Recorder

Legal Malpractice Claims Steady, Cyber Claims Rise

From the law firm and attorney perspective, the news is generally good in that the number of malpractice claims has remained relatively steady. For insurers, however, the news is less rosy; legal defense costs, claimed damages, and settlement sums continue to climb.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

6 minute read

September 19, 2017 | The Recorder

Five Common Issues in Law Firm Mergers

Over the past several years, law firm mergers have become the new normal in the legal industry. It seems that, at one point or another, nearly every midsize or large law firm has either merged with another firm, or was at least rumored to be in talks with other firms regarding a possible merger.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

5 minute read