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Build a Customized Louisiana CLE CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

With the Louisiana CLE Bundle you can complete four (4) MCLE Credit hours online through self-study, including one (1) hour in Ethics and one (1) hour in Professionalism required by the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on MCLE.

Of the required twelve (12) annual CLE credit hours, the Committee on MCLE for Louisiana allows attorneys to earn four (4) hours via computer-based programming which includes, on-demand, webinars and live webcasts. 

All programs in this bundle are approved by the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


20 Courses
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60 minutes
Stuart Travels to Alabama to Teach about Diversity and Inclusion
Two landmark civil rights events occurred in Alabama — the Scottsboro Boys case and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Both of those events have important lessons to teach lawyers about diversity and inclusion in the practice of law. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, as he travels to Alabama and delivers a travel-vlog style program

Stuart Teicher

1 - Professionalism

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116 minutes
Winning Trial Strategies: Tactics and Defenses Explored
Listen as we provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion on the top strategies to prepare for success at a trial. The speakers will delve into the fundamental aspects to consider, including proven tactics and defenses.

The Knowledge Group

1.93 - General

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87 minutes
ERISA: Defense Strategies to DOL Litigation and Investigations
Join key thought leaders and practitioners, David R. Johanson (Hawkins Parnell & Young, LLP) and Stephen Wilkes (Wagner Law Group), for an in-depth discussion of crucial regulatory developments in ERISA. Speakers will also provide the audience with the best defense strategies in responding to DOL’s regulatory scrutiny.

The Knowledge Group

1.45 - General

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57 minutes
Advancing Trial Skills: Critical Steps to an Effective Cross-Examination
This CLE presentation seeks to provide practitioners with guidance and advice on how to effectively cross-examine a witness at trial. The panel will discuss the goals of cross-examination, share how to best prepare for the examination, and offer practical tips and tricks for ensuring a strong cross-examination of a witness.

The Knowledge Group

1 - General

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60 minutes
Cat Proverbs and Attorney Ethics
Why do we have so many cat sayings? What do they mean? And do they really teach anything about attorney ethics? In this program, Stuart will explain it all. We’ll talk about the origins of these cat sayings and the ethics lessons beneath each.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Airplane Etiquette and Attorney Ethics
In this program we’re going to talk about Stuart’s Rules for Proper Airplane Etiquette. And what are rules of etiquette? They are rules of behavior. Well, look at that…it just so happens that the ethics rules are also rules of behavior. So let’s talk about how we should behave on a plane, and compare that to how we should behave in the practice.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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62 minutes
It's Not a Tech Problem: Understanding Lawyer Competence in the Age of Technology
This session is a must-attend for all legal professionals seeking to bolster their technical competence and understand the role of technology in their professional responsibilities. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of law, ethics, and technology in the modern legal landscape. It’s designed to help legal professionals navigate their ever-changing professional and ethical obligations in the digital world.


1.03 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Generative AI & Data Privacy: Where Do the Risks Lie?
This session will pull back the curtain to the mysteries of Generative AI, with expert speakers answering some of the most complex questions regarding the impacts of AI on work and life. Panelists will also examine a possible new type of liability schema for regulators, and make predictions on the future of AI governance.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference

1 - General

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