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Build a Customized Louisiana CLE CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

With the Louisiana CLE Bundle you can complete four (4) MCLE Credit hours online through self-study, including one (1) hour in Ethics and one (1) hour in Professionalism required by the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on MCLE.

Of the required twelve (12) annual CLE credit hours, the Committee on MCLE for Louisiana allows attorneys to earn four (4) hours via computer-based programming which includes, on-demand, webinars and live webcasts. 

All programs in this bundle are approved by the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


20 Courses
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68 minutes
Professional Burnout Among Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys into the alarmingly and increasingly common phenomenon of professional burnout. Participants will learn what burnout is, how it impacts attorneys in and out of the office, how to spot it, how to be more proactive in the avoidance of it, and how to begin to address it if one is in the midst of it.

Dr. Brian Russell

1.13 - Professionalism

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71 minutes
Self-Care and Work-Life Balance for Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys who aspire to take better care of themselves and experience greater satisfaction with both their professional and personal lives. Participants will learn skills aimed at helping them to reduce professional burnout risk, to be more sustainably productive, and to live and work more mindfully and meaningfully.

Dr. Brian Russell

1.83 - Professionalism

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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Bill of Rights - The First Amendment
From polygamy and abolitionism in the 1800’s, to socialist and anti-war movements in the 1900’s to same-sex marriage in the 2000’s, the First Amendment is the vehicle through which social issues of the day become test cases. While content and viewpoint limits generally fail to pass constitutional muster, other types of speech such as obscenity, fighting words and defamation receive less protection and may be restricted by the government under certain conditions. In the latest installment of “The Curious Lawyer” series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a deep dive into each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, reminding us what each amendment protects and illustrating its impact on the other constitutional protections we enjoy. Whether you are a budding constitutional scholar or simply looking for interesting facts to share at a cocktail party, the Bill of Rights series is for you.

New Media Legal

1.03 - General

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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Bill of Rights - The Fourth Amendment
Does the Fourth Amendment - which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures - bar law enforcement agencies from using online search histories, text messages, thermal tracking, GPS data or cellular phone pings to find and prosecute individuals? In the latest installment of “The Curious Lawyer” series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a deep dive into each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, reminding us what each amendment protects and illustrating its impact on the other constitutional protections we enjoy. Whether you are a budding constitutional scholar or simply looking for interesting facts to share at a cocktail party, the Bill of Rights series is for you.

New Media Legal

1.03 - General

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