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Build a Customized Pennsylvania 6-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Pennsylvania 6 Credit Bundle incudes six (6) CLE credit hours and allows you to select the courses you want from the PA course catalog including the two (2) hours required in Ethics.

The Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board allows attorneys to take six (6) CLE hours online.

We will report all CLE credits earned on to the PA CLE Board. Please update your MCLE Profile to include your PA bar number.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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766 Courses
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60 minutes
Be Prepared: Best Practices for Intake
Successful consumer bankruptcy cases often hinge on the intake process, particularly the details gathered on the intake form. What questions should be asked? What resources should be used? Discover best practices for getting the right information from the very beginning, which can avoid all kinds of headaches later. (No one wants to discover a fraudulent transfer at the 11th hour!).

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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70 minutes
The Legislative Landscape for Consumer Bankruptcy: Chapter 10, Student Loans and Beyond
To ease the financial fallout from the pandemic, there could be increased congressional interest in consumer bankruptcy reform. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Jerrold Nadler already have proposed a complete overhaul of the consumer bankruptcy system and a new chapter 10 for all individual debtors. Several pending legislative proposals would make it easier to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. Profs. Robert Lawless and Adam Levitin will explain these proposals, the motivating factors behind them, and what else might be coming in the consumer bankruptcy world.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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64 minutes
Augmentation, Analytics & Automation: How Data Can Enhance Litigation
This session will discuss how to best catalog use-case questions that matter, enumerating relevant metadata, and then explore tools that can be used to determine the answers.


1 - Substantive

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60 minutes
Could it be Ethical Not to Use AI?
The risks of integrating AI into the practice of law are important to consider. It requires answering complex questions around bias, transparency, defensibility, and more. But, on the other side of the conversation, there’s an equally important question worth pondering over: If AI does indeed demonstrably enhance the competence of legal representation, could it then be unethical not to use AI? Join us for what is sure to be an exciting discussion featuring some of the most interesting voices at the intersection of AI and the law.


1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
Teams, Zoom, Gchat, and Texts - Real World eDiscovery Challenges Posed by Communication Tools
Widespread adoption of tools such as Gchat, Zoom and Microsoft Teams has changed the way companies not only communicate but also collaborate internally and externally. As a result, these new forms of communication provide new ESI challenges for the eDiscovery community, especially as each of these tools differ from one another and pose their own unique challenge.


1 - Substantive

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60 minutes
The Data Law Year in Review
Join us as we look back at the year in data law and what it means for the year ahead. We’ll discuss some of the important data law news developments of the year with Zach Warren, editor-in chief of ALM’s Legaltech News, and provide in-depth legal analysis from the bar and bench on these topics with practitioner and judicial perspectives on issues where electronic data are involved, such as access to justice and the attorney-client privilege, sanctions in e-discovery with a default judgment in the Sandy Hook cases, legal and practical considerations in remote legal proceedings, and more.


1 - Substantive

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60 minutes
Solving Compliance & Regulatory Issues with AI Detection & Tracking Tools
As more and more organizations demand a simpler and easier compliance process, AI reg tech tools have stepped in and attempted to ease the burden that comes with compliance as they look to provide a less manual and more efficient process. Whether it is meeting compliance requirements, streamlining processes, or keeping up with constant regulatory changes, the potential for AI tools in this space is promising.


1 - Substantive

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65 minutes
Proactive Strategies for Protecting Your Brand from the Risk of Online Conversations
This session will examine the importance of putting strategies in place that mitigate legal, compliance, and brand risk in the online environment.


1 - Substantive