The Recorder

Could Contact Tracing in the COVID-19 Era Become Unreasonable Search?

People should be very concerned about the privacy implications of these programs, which seek to gather personal information such as health and location data.
5 minute read

International Edition

Why Lord Sumption is Just Plain Wrong About the Lockdown

Former Justices of the Supreme Court are intervening in public debate with increasing regularity: here is a note of caution.
4 minute read

The Recorder

Mediations Forever Changed

Seeing the advantage of using videoconferencing, I'm convinced that, in mediations, we're not going to back to status quo ante COVID-19.
9 minute read

The Recorder

California Supreme Court to Rule on Non-Competes Between Businesses and Interference Claims

In the recent case of 'Ixchel Pharma v. Biogen', the Ninth Circuit asked the California Supreme Court to resolve two questions "because of their significance for business torts in California."
13 minute read

The American Lawyer

As Salary Cuts Move to Higher-Profit Firms, What Happens Next?

Hugh A. Simons examines where firms might go now that many have taken shorter-term measures to cut compensation. Will layoffs or firm closures follow? What groups are at risk?
4 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Are COVID-19 Claims Covered? It Depends on the Allegation

Connecticut's high court concluded, "[a]lthough HBV is contagious, and can be transmitted through means outside the work place, for dental hygienists it is a disease so distinctly associated with their profession that the necessary causal connection is present."
7 minute read

International Edition

Big Data, Coronavirus and Cryptocurrencies: The Changing Face of Fraud

2020 is likely to see a wave of new kinds of fraud cases hitting the UK courts.
5 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

In the Case of the Lost Job, the Lawyer Must Play Detective

A lawyer explores all the facts surrounding a COVID-19-related job termination to figure out where the truth lies—or at least where the evidence points.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Post-COVID-19: What to Expect in the 'Next Normal'

The "new normal" has become a household phrase, not only because we are all stuck working from home, but because it seeks to identify the ways in which we work, interact, and conduct business in the middle of a global pandemic. But what will the "next normal" look like?
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

Understanding that judges are not allowed to have ex parte communications, it appears that specialized courts such as Drug Court and Veterans Court regularly have ex parte communications. Is there an exception under the rules for that?
8 minute read

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