Corporate Counsel

Crisis Management Response—What the Board Wants

Crisis response is now a primary focus of internal and external stakeholders alike. Corporate board directors, as one of these groups of stakeholders, are, or should be, an important part of the crisis management process.
9 minute read

The Recorder

A 'Partnership in Pain' for Landlords and Tenants

Given the difficulty of predicting how force majeure clauses will be interpreted, considering the breadth of the health care emergency, both landlords and tenants may be motivated to negotiate a re-structuring of their respective lease obligations.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

Scott E. Mollen, a partner at Herrick, Feinstein, discusses three landlord-tenant cases: "25 CPW City Views LLC v. Cohen," "West 30th Realty LLC v. Castaldo," and " Robertson v. Jones."
15 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How to Effectively Manage Government and Internal Investigations During COVID-19

While technology makes remote investigations manageable, there are key flexibility and best-practice considerations to assist companies in preserving investigative integrity, confidentiality, and independence throughout the crisis.
8 minute read

Sixth Circuit Allows Michigan's Redistricting Commission to Go Forward

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Daunt v. Benson, Nos. 19-2377/2420 recently affirmed a decision allowing Michigan to continue implementing its Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, approved by voter-initiative in 2018.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Franchising During and After the Pandemic

In his Franchising column, Marc Lieberstein discusses what effect the current COVID‑19 pandemic is having on franchising and what the future will look like afterwards.
7 minute read

International Edition

Pruning Partnerships: Considerations for Law Firms

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one next step may be to remove partners who are "not paying their way."
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I am a lawyer who has had a sexual relationship with a client, which has now ended. Is there anything I should be concerned about?
10 minute read

The Recorder

Can Tribal Casino's Reopen During the COVID Shutdown?

Unlike most other California businesses, it is not entirely clear that tribal casinos—which operate on tribal lands and are run by tribal authorities—must follow the California state government's directives on whether and how they operate.
9 minute read

Corporate Counsel

CFIUS Still Approving Well-Prepared Chinese Deals

The Pentagon has called for "hyper-vigilance" in reviewing foreign investment because of the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. There has already been a negative focus on trade with China and continuing scrutiny of China-based investment by U.S. government officials should be expected. This does not mean that deals cannot be approved.
6 minute read

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