Page 104 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Employee Theft                                   ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024

             EMPLOYEE THEFT               Brian H. Kleiner, PhD,
                                           Professor (Emeritus)
        Fulcrum Inquiry                    of Human Resource
         Renee Howdeshell                  Management                      Lisa Suhonos MS, CDMS, CEAS,
         Los Angeles, CA                                                   IPEC, ABVE/D
         Phone: (213) 787-4100             at prestigious
         E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com  California university             Vocational Consultant & Expert
                                           551 Santa Barbara Avenue          Suhonos’ Occupational
        (Please see our resume on page 373 for further   Fullerton, CA 92835  Services, Inc.
        details.)                          Phone: (714) 879-9705             555 University Avenue, Suite 114
                                           Cell: (714) 595-1891              Sacramento, CA 95825
                                           Fax: (714) 879-5600               Phone: (916) 349-9300
               EMPLOYMENT                  E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Fax: (916) 349-9373
                                           bkleiner@fullerton .edu           Toll Free Phone: (800) 221-4253
                                                                             E-mail: VocExperts@Suhonos .com
        Beth Brascugli De Lima, MBA,       Profile: Accomplishments:  MBA and PhD   Web: suhonos .com
                                           in Management from UCLA . 1,000+ cases as
        SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP                  an expert . Former human resource manager   Degrees/Licenses: Masters, Psy .D .
         Principal/ President              for Ford Motor Company . Over 100 business
         HRM Consulting, Inc.              and government consulting clients . Trained   Profile: Suhonos’ Occupational Services,
         Murphys, California               thousands of managers . Taught three 36-hour   Inc . provides Vocational Rehabilitation
                                           courses on KLCS-TV . 500+ high quality
         Phone: (209) 728-8905             professional and academic peer reviewed   Consulting services to individuals throughout
         E-mail: bdelima@hrmconsulting .com                                  California and Nevada .  With over 30
                                           publications . Have given trial/arbitration   years of experience, our firm specializes in
        blank                              testimony 80+ times . Favorably featured in   Forensic Rehabilitation and Vocational Expert
         Murphys, CA
                                           Employment Law Verdicts. Profiled in Bender’   Testimony, and in applying rehabilitation
                                           California Labor & Employment Bulletin as   principles to Workers’ Compensation,
        (Please see our complete listing under the   a result of successes . Have received many   Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination,
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   awards, honors & commendations . Rates
        ADA Employment)                    negotiable .                      Family Law, and other litigated matters .  As
                                                                             Board Certified Vocational Experts, we are
                                                                             trained and dedicated to working with our
        Howard J. Goldfarb                                                   clients to find vocational solutions to complex
         Goldfarb and Associates           Specialties: Compliance of organizational   occupational issues .  Other areas of our
         Rehabilitation Consultants        policies, procedures, and practices with   expertise include: Loss of Earning Capacity,
                                           standards of human resources management;
         South Pasadena, CA                preventing and investigating complaints   ADA-AA/FEHA Reasonable Accommodation,
         Phone: (626) 441-9687             concerning sexual harassment and other   Functional Job Analysis, Rehabilitation and
         E-mail: goldfarbassociates@yahoo .com                               Career Counseling, and Psychometric Testing .
                                           forms of discrimination and harassment;   For more information, visit us at http://www .
                                           ADA, interactive process, reasonable   suhonos .com .
        (Please see our resume on page 374 for further   accommodation; FMLA, workers’
        details.)                          compensation; retaliation, discipline, wrongful   (Please see our resume on page 405 for further
                                           termination; negligent hiring/retention/  details.)
                                           supervision; independent contractor vs .
                                           employee classification; compensation, wage
                                           & hours, benefits/pensions; performance
                                           evaluation, promotion selections, workforce
                                           reductions; workplace violence, safety, OSHA .
                                          Joanne Latham, M.A. MFT, CRC,
                                          CCM, ABVE/D, CLCP
                                           Latham Vocational Services, Inc.
                                           Encino, CA
                                           Phone: (818) 681-1854
                                           Alt . Phone: (805) 422-8444
                                           E-mail: Joannelatham@lathamvocational .com
                                           Simi Valley, CA
                                           Phone: (805) 527-5500
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Life
                                          Care Planning (Medical & Health))
                                          Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.
                                           Medical Director
                                           Forensic Psychiatric Associates
                                           Covina, CA
                                           Phone: (415) 388-8040
                                           E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 429 for further

        82                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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