Page 105 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025 Employment Discrimination (Economics)
National Association of Personnel Consultants
EMPLOYMENT and a Certified Employment Specialist from EMPLOYMENT
the California Association of Personnel
DISCRIMINATION Consultants . He is a licensed psychologist in DISCRIMINATION
the State of California and in the State of New (ECONOMICS)
York and is listed in the National Register of
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD, Health Service Providers in Psychology .
MBA, MLS, ABPP, CPE Dr . Finkelman is a Fellow of the American Jim Christopoulos
Affiliate Professor, Psychological Association & the Consulting Christopoulos Economics
Industrial & Business Psychology Division, and a member of the Consulting Group
Psych Dept. The Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Costa Mesa, CA
Chicago School: Engineering Psychology Divisions, the Human Phone: (714) 442-8561
Factors & Ergonomics Society, the American
California Univ. that trains HR Academy of Forensic Psychology, the Society E-mail: jim@econconsulting .com
Professionals across the U.S. of Human Resources Management, the (Please see our resume on page 346 for further
Sapphire Tower, PH 2902 Academy of Management . details.)
1262 Kettner Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92101 (Please see our resume on page 358 for further Joanne Latham, M.A. LMFT, CRC,
Phone: (213) 615-7267 details.) CCM, ABVE/D, CLCP
Cell: (213) 361-6106
E-mail: [email protected] Roman Garagulagian PhD Latham Vocational Services, Inc.
Forensic Economic Services LLC Encino, CA
Degrees/Licenses: PhD Industrial- Los Angeles, CA Phone: (818) 681-1854
Organizational Psychology; Cert Prof Phone: (213) 245-1232 Alt . Phone: (805) 527-5500
Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomat; E-mail: Info@Rule703 .com E-mail: Joannelatham@lathamvocational .com
Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych . and in blank
Organizational and Business Consulting (Please see our resume on page 361 for further Simi Valley, CA
Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert details.) Phone: (805) 527-5500
Employment Specialist .
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA (Please see our complete listing under the
Profile: Jay M . Finkelman, PhD, ABPP has following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Life
served as a senior manager, consultant and Professor Emeritus of Human Care Planning (Medical & Health))
expert witness in employment, staffing and Resource Management
human resources management for over three at prestigious California Lisa Suhonos MS, CDMS, CEAS,
decades . He has had hundreds of retentions university IPEC, ABVE/D
and depositions and testified at trial, as an
expert in employment practices, 70 times, Fullerton, CA Vocational Consultant & Expert
equally for plaintiffs and defendants . He Phone: (714) 879-9705 Suhonos’ Occupational Services,
specializes in Human Resources, workplace Cell: (714) 595-1891 Inc.
investigations, staffing industry management E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com, Sacramento, CA
practices, training, employment discrimination bkleiner@fullerton .edu Phone: (916) 349-9300
(gender, age, race, and disability), sexual
harassment, ADA (Americans with Disabilities (Please see our complete listing under the Toll Free Phone: (800) 221-4253
E-mail: VocExperts@Suhonos .com
Act), Return to Work, compensation practices, following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
executive compensation, wage & hours, Employment) (Please see our resume on page 389 for further
independent contractor status, conflict of EXPERT CATEGORIES
interest, negligent hiring/retention, wrongful Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A. details.)
termination, adverse impact, performance Medical Director
appraisal, psychometrics, statistical analysis, Forensic Psychiatric Associates
human factors and ergonomics .
He is Professor of Industrial-Organizational Covina, CA
and Business Psychology at The Chicago Phone: (415) 388-8040
School of Professional Psychology . Previously E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
he was Professor and System-wide Director
of Alliant International University’s California (Please see our resume on page 414 for further
School of Professional Psychology (CSPP), details.)
Organizational Psychology Division . He
authored over 125 publications, including four Diane Judith Weiss, MD, MPH
books . Beverly Hills, CA
Phone: (310) 273 8448
Dr . Finkelman is an Industrial and Forensic E-mail: dr .dianeweiss@gmail .com
Psychologist as well as a Certified
Professional Ergonomist . He holds a Ph .D .
in Industrial / Organizational Psychology (Please see our resume on page 426 for further
from New York University and an M .B .A .
in Industrial Psychology from the Bernard
M . Baruch School of Business of The City
College of The City University of New York
(CUNY) and a Master of Legal Studies (MLS)
from the Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges
of Law .
Dr . Finkelman holds a Diplomate from the
American Board of Professional Psychology
and from the American Board of Forensic
Psychology where he is also a fellow . He holds
Specialty Board Certification in Organizational
and Business Consulting Psychology . He is
a Certified Personnel Consultant from the
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