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Employment Related Claims                        ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025

          EMPLOYMENT RELATED                   ENERGY SYSTEMS                      ENGINEERING
                                          Rodergen & Associates            Steven B. Norris
        Diane Judith Weiss, MD,            Rod Bergen, P.E.                  Principal Engineer
        MPH                                Principal Engineer                Architectural &
         9663 Santa Monica Boulevard,      Malibu, CA                        Engineering Design
         Suite 782                         Phone: (818) 591-7963             Group
         Beverly Hills, CA 90210           E-mail: rodbergen@live .com       2121 Montiel Rd .
         Phone: (310) 273 8448                                               San Marcos, CA 92069
         Fax: (310) 550 6824              (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (760) 839-7302
         E-mail: dr .dianeweiss@gmail .com  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Fax: (760) 480-7477
         Web: http://www .drdianeweiss .com  Solar Energy)                   E-mail: steve@aeforensics .com
                                                                             Web: http://www .designgroupca .com
         Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., M .P .H ., BA
                                            ENERGY TECHNOLOGY                Degrees/Licenses: AIA, RCE, HG, GE, EG,
         Profile: Dr . Weiss has over 40 years’                              RG, GC, CASP, LEED
         experience in psychiatry, with decades
         providing expert witness litigation support,   Rodergen & Associates  Profile: Mr . Norris is a licensed Architect,
         including IMEs regarding psychiatric aspects                        Engineer and Contractor, whose litigation
         of sexual/gender-based/racial harassment,   Rod Bergen, P.E.        experience includes forensic analysis of large
         employment law and/or accidents related to   Principal Engineer     scale residential, commercial, industrial and
         Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation   Malibu, CA              public works projects . During his 25 year
         issues . Dr . Weiss is well known for her   Phone: (818) 591-7963   career, Mr . Norris has been retained as an
         comprehensive, fact-based, persuasive   E-mail: rodbergen@live .com  expert deposed and provided testimony in
         reports .                                                           a court trial or binding arbitration numerous
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   times .
         Dr . Weiss’ unique ability to establish   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         exceptional rapport with clients allows for   Solar Energy)         Specialties include:
         thoughtful, thorough examinations, leaving
         no stone unturned . As everything affects                           GEOTHECHNICAL ENGINEERING: Slope
         the psyche, her keen attention to detail with                       Stability Analysis, Geotechnical Investigations,
         complex medical-legal records enables her to                        Foundation Design, Seismic Hazard Reports,
         integrate highly complex psychiatric histories                      Foundation Settlement Analysis, Forensic
         and concepts, coming to evidence-based                              Analysis
         opinions, and providing high-caliber, usable
         medical-legal reporting and testimony .                             CIVIL ENGINEERING: Property Design
                                                                             Development, Grading Plans, Flooding, Cost
         Dr. Weiss is a Board Certified Psychiatrist,                        Estimates, Drainage, Hydrology & Hydraulics
         a Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric                           Analysis, Erosion Control, Stormwater
         Association, in private practice since 1988,                        Pollution, Project Bonding .
         whose experience is predominantly related
         to the psychiatric aspects of sexual, gender,                       STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: Wood, Steel,
         or racial harassment; Posttraumatic Stress                          Concrete and Masonry Superstructures,
         Disorder; anxiety; depression; and personality                      Deep Foundation Systems, Retaining Walls,
         disorders. Dr. Weiss is well-traveled, fluent                       Earthquake Damage Analysis, Forensic
         in both English and Spanish, and holds a                            Analysis .
         Master’s Degree in Public Health, and a BA in
         Scandinavian Languages, facilitating robust                         ARCHITECHTURAL DESIGN &
         connections with people from all walks of life .                    CONSTRUCTION: Architectural & Structural
                                                                             Plans, Submittal & Preparation of Cost
        (Please see our resume on page 426 for further                       Estimates, Submittal to Jurisdictional
        details.)                                                            Agencies & Building Permits
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 339 for further
                   ENERGY                                                  details.)

                                                                           Rapperport Associates, Inc.
        Timothy B. Truwe                                                     Daniel Rapperport
         President                                                           Lexington, MA
         Petru Corporation                                                   Phone: (781) 862-9001
         Title, Natural Resources & Land                                     Cell: (339) 222-2822
                                                                             E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
         Santa Paula, CA                                                   (Please see our resume on page 379 for further
         Phone: (805) 933-1389                                             details.)
         E-mail: petru@petrucorporation .com
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Real Estate (General))

        84                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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