Page 274 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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EKG                                              ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025

                     EKG                                                     * Violence Risk Assessment

                                                                             * Sexual & Psychological Abuse

        Arash Bereliani                                                      * Harassment & Stalking
         M.D., M.S,  F.A.C.C.
         Beverly Hills, CA                                                   * Psychiatric Ethics & Malpractice
         Phone: (310) 383-1844
         E-mail: bereliani .a .md@gmail .com                                 * Wrongful Death

        (Please see our resume on page 400 for further   Mark I. Levy, MD,   * Patient Abandonment
                                          D.L.F.A.P.A.                       * Professional Confidential
                                           Medical Director                    * Boundary Violations (sexual or financial
               ELDER ABUSE                 Forensic Psychiatric              improprieties between therapists and patients)
                                           Associates (http://
                                                    * Criminal & Civil Competency Evaluations
        Mariann F. Cosby, DNP, MPA, RN,    440 N . Barranca Ave ., #1946
        PHN, CEN, NE-BC, LNCC, CCM,        Covina, CA 91723                  * Civil Commitment
        CLCP, MSCC, CSN, FAEN              Phone: (415) 388-8040               * Right to Treatment
         MFC Consulting                    Fax: (415) 634-2400
                                           E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
         Sacramento, CA                    Web: http://www .fpamed .com      * Right to Refuse Treatment
         Phone: (916) 505-0446
         Alt . Phone: (916) 974-1222       Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., Physician &   * Detection of Malingering
         E-mail: smfc@surewest .net
                                           Surgeon (California) 1971; (Hawaii) 2004;   * Insanity Defense
                                           (North Carolina) 2014; (New York) 2023;
        (Please see our resume on page 403 for further   Certification, Psychiatry, American Board of
        details.)                                                            * Mass torts
                                           Psychiatry & Neurology, 1981; Qualification in
                                           Forensic Psychiatry, 1999 & 2009
        Tyla DiMaria RN, MSN, CCM,                                           * Mutliplaintiff Psychiatric Assessment
        CNLCP                              Profile: When cases hinge on complex     Attorneys trust Forensic Psychiatric
         Best Life Care Solutions          psychiatric issues, legal professionals turn to   Associates for their credible, scientifically
         Carlsbad, CA                      Forensic Psychiatric Associates (http://www .  grounded reports and their ability to deliver
         Phone: (760) 201 6591             fpamed .com/ 415 .388 .8040) and Dr . Mark   clear, compelling testimony that withstands
         E-mail: tyla@bestlifecaresolutions .com  Levy for authoritative insights and expert   the scrutiny of cross-examination . With a
                                           testimony. Led by Dr. Levy, a board-certified   commitment to integrity and responsiveness,
                                           forensic psychiatrist with over 40 years of
        (Please see our resume on page 407 for further   experience, Forensic Psychiatric Associates   Dr . Levy and his team work closely with legal
        details.)                                                            professionals to ensure timely, reliable results .
                                           (“fpamed”) is dedicated to providing the   Visit fpamed .com to learn how their services
                                           highest level of forensic psychiatric and
        Noah Kaufman MD                    psychological services to support attorneys in   can add essential value to your case .
         Board Certified Emergency         civil, criminal, and family law cases .       More on Dr. Mark Levy:
         Medicine Expert
         Loveland, CO                      fpamed’s nationwide team of 34 experts is   Dr . Levy has been practicing clinical
         Phone: (330) 701-4614             composed of:                      Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry and
                                           • 23 board-certified forensic psychiatrists,
         E-mail: noah@kaufmanmedicalgroup .com                               Psychoanalysis for more than forty-five
                                              including                      years . Since the early 1980s he has provided
                                              • Five board-cerfitied child/adolescent
        (Please see our resume on page 413 for further         psychiatrists   Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs),
        details.)                                                            consultation and testimony in civil matters in
                                              • Three board-certified addiction    more than 500 medical-legal cases (plaintiff
                                                 psychiatrists               and defense) and has testified in state and
                                              • Two neuropsychiatrists       federal courts on sixty-two occasions .
                                           • Ten forensic psychologists/
                                              neuropsychologists             Since 1976, Dr . Levy has been on the clinical
                                           • One autism expert .             faculty of the Department of Psychiatry,
                                                                             School of Medicine, UCSF . He is also on the
                                           fpamed employs the two-part IME model, with   faculty at the San Francisco Psychoanalytic
                                           the forensic (neuro) psychologist administering   Institute .  He is now also Adjunct Associate
                                           (neuro) psychological testing, followed by the   Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University
                                           forensic psychiatrist performing the medical   School of Medicine .  Together with the Bar
                                           evaluation and delivering evidence-based   Association of San Francisco, Dr . Levy
                                           opinions on the relevant referral questions .   helped establish a CLE program for attorneys
                                           Subspecialty expertise includes Mass   focusing on psychology and the law . He has
                                           Torts, PI, PTSD, Employment, Probate/Will   also been a faculty member, lecturer and
                                           Contests, Child/Adolescent Evaluations,   panelist in CLE programs sponsored by the
                                           Traumatic Brain Injuries, Substance Abuse/  University of California, Hastings School of
                                           Addiction, Psych Policies & Procedures,   Law, College of Advocacy, the California
                                           Boundary Violations and Criminal   State Bar Association, Northern California
                                           Competencies .                    Association of Defense Council and the
                                                                             Defense Research Institute . He has been
                                           The fpamed team specializes in the following   interviewed widely by the professional, print
                                           areas:                            and broadcast media . His practice website is
                                                                             http://www .fpamed .com
                                           * Psychological Trauma (PTSD)
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 414 for further
                                           * Employment Discrimination & Harassment    details.)

                                           * Psychiatric Disability
        252                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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