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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025                         Emergency Medicine

                    EMERGENCY                  EMERGENCY MEDICINE              Noah Kaufman MD
                   DEPARTMENT                                                   Board Certified
                                                                                Emergency Medicine
            Elite Medical Experts                                               3386 Crest Drive
             Bentley Burton                                                     Loveland, CO 80537
             CEO                                                                Phone: (330) 701-4614
             Tucson, AZ                                                         E-mail: noah@kaufmanmedicalgroup .com
             Phone: (877) 670-5592           Elite Medical Experts              Web: http://www .kaufmanmedicalgroup .com
             Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592   Bentley Burton
             E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com  CEO                  Degrees/Licenses: Dr . Kaufman received his
                                               6440 N . Swan Road, Suite 100    medical degree from Tulane University where
            (Please see our resume on page 408 for further   Tucson, AZ 85718   he graduated with honors on a scholarship .
            details.)                          Phone: (877) 670-5592            He is board certified emergency medicine
                                                                                and licensed in Colorado and Kentucky with
                                               Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592  previous licenses in California, Nevada, New
                                               E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com  Mexico, Michigan and Ohio .
              EMERGENCY MEDICAL                Web: https://elitemedicalexperts .com/
                  SERVICES (EMS)               Degrees/Licenses: ALL MEDICAL    Profile: Dr . Kaufman is a highly experienced
                                               DEGREES AND LICENSURES: MD, RN,   expert witness with extensive opinion writing
                                                                                and deposition/trial testimony experience .
                                               PA, etc .
            Elite Medical Experts                                               He has served on Peer Review Committees
                                                                                in various hospital settings . Unlike a
             Bentley Burton                    Profile: Elite Medical Experts is a physician-  “hired gun” who defends any position, Dr .
             CEO                               run firm specializing exclusively in medical   Kaufman provides a prospective evaluation
             Tucson, AZ                        litigation . From Hospital Administrators to   of your case, focusing on Standard of Care
                                               top-tier Surgeons, Elite hand selects nationally
             Phone: (877) 670-5592                                              considerations . He is skilled in identifying
             Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592   recognized experts from any healthcare   the merits, strengths, and weaknesses of
             E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com  field. Each physician-level expert witness is   your case, including preparing you for how
                                               an experienced, board-certified healthcare   opposing counsel’s experts may approach the
                                               professional with a busy clinical practice
            (Please see our resume on page 408 for further   and impeccable credentials . We work with   Standard of Care and your case overall .
                                               attorneys for both plaintiff and defense to   Dr . Kaufman has an impeccable record,
                                               provide unbiased, cost-effective, high-level   with no medical malpractice history and
            Gary W. Tamkin, MD, FACEP          expert witness services .
             Vice President of Provider                                         has never been sued nor reprimanded . He
                                                                                is an exceptionally credible witness who
             Development                       Actionable Benefits to Our Clients:   remains composed and confident during
             US Acute Care Solutions           • Work directly with hand-selected university    depositions and testimony . Importantly, Dr .
                                                 experts screened for your specific case.
             Lafayette, CA                     • Avoid costly mistakes with access to our    Kaufman accepts work for both plaintiffs and
             Phone: (925) 786-8469               physician-led strategy team .   defendants but will not take on cases that he
                                                                                cannot support . His objective case reviews
             E-mail: Gtamkin@iCloud .com                                        have helped attorneys achieve successful
                                               Please call (877) 670-5592 to speak directly   outcomes on both sides, and he has declined
            (Please see our resume on page 425 for further   with our in-house Case Strategy Team .   numerous cases for both plaintiffs and
            details.)                          There’s no charge for the phone consultation   defendants when the evidence does not
                                               and we’ll outline a strategic plan for moving   support a claim . This approach ensures that
                                               forward .                        you will understand the true strength of your
                                                                                position, regardless of which side you are on .
                                             (Please see our resume on page 408 for further
                                             details.)                          In addition to his expert witness work, Dr .
                                                                                Kaufman continues to practice full-time
                                                                                in emergency medicine and is passionate
                                                                                about writing . He is a recognized medical
                                                                                expert, regularly appearing on Denver’s NBC
                                                                                Channel 9 as well as co-hosting a radio talk
                                                                                show . He has a strong base of repeat attorney  MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                                                                clients and is well-versed in emergency
                                                                                medicine, primary care, and family medicine .
                                                                                Dr . Kaufman also holds hospital admitting
                                                                                privileges and works as a hospitalist . His
                                                                                experience spans all sizes of medical centers
                                                                                across numerous states .

                                                                                Dr . Kaufman occasionally works on civil
                                                                                and criminal matters and is committed to
                                                                                pro bono work . In cases where his opinion
                                                                                does not support moving forward, he
                                                                                often communicates with families to help
                                                                                them achieve closure . He is an excellent
                                                                                communicator, known for his prompt and
                                                                                thorough turnaround times . Dr . Kaufman is
                                                                                among the most respected and well-known
                                                                                experts in emergency medicine . References
                                                                                and testimony history are available upon
                                                                                request .
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 413 for further
            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                             253
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