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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025 Marijuana
Wayne M. Whalen, D.C, FIACN,
(PSYCHOLOGY) Whalen Chiropractic
Santee, CA
Phone: (619) 258-1144 Theodore Menadier
E-mail: drwwhalen@gmail .com
Dr. Judy Ho, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPdN, Approach One LLC
CFMHE (Please see our complete listing under the 3378 W . Centennial Ave .
Clinical and Forensic following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Littleton, CO 80123
Phone: (717) 357 0148
Neuropsychologist, Dr. Judy Ho, Chiropractic) E-mail: tmeadier@gmail .com
Tenured Associate Professor MALPRACTICE Degrees/Licenses: MBA, BSBA, CCCE
of Psychology, Pepperdine (Certified Commercial Cannabis Expert),
Certified Hemp Sampler for the State of
University (DENTISTRY/ Colorado, Courses: Cannabis Compliance
Hermosa Beach, CA ODONTOLOGY) Management Certification and Risk
Phone: (310) 745-8887 Management, Cannabis Agriculture and
E-mail: drjudyho@gmail .com Horticulture, The Business of Cannabis,
Harry I. Aronowitz DMD Equity and the Cannabis Connection,
(Please see our resume on page 411 for further Clinical Professor USC Dental
details.) Profile: I have been retained and provided
School expert services in over 30 cases and
West Hollywood, CA
Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A. Phone: (310) 246-0100 insurance claims over the last 3 years . I have
Medical Director E-mail: bracesbydr .a@gmail .com experience in providing opinions in both
State and Federal Court . I have experience
Forensic Psychiatric Associates testifying at both depositions and trials .
( (Please see our complete listing under the
Covina, CA following area of expertise: Medical Experts: My mix of industry experience and business
Phone: (415) 388-8040 education (MBA) make me uniquely qualified
E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com to address many types of issues within
Phillip Devore, D.D.S. Marijuana and Hemp industries . My business
(Please see our resume on page 414 for further Las Vegas, NV education allows me to be able to analyze
details.) Phone: (702) 497-7076 markets, a business’ strengths and
E-mail: devoredds@aol .com weaknesses, and assess economic impacts
Dr. Rebecca H Loftis in a clearly communicated manner supported
by relevant industry, market data, and other
FORENPSYCH (Please see our resume on page 405 for further relevant documentation .
Dragoon, AZ
Phone: (775) 420-2248 Jay S. Grossman DDS My experience in indoor and outdoor cannabis
E-mail: 1057rebeccahloftis@gmail .com cultivation, and business practices gives me
The Dental Expert first hand knowledge of industry practices. I can
(Please see our resume on page 416 for further Los Angeles, CA articulate an educated clear opinion in many
details.) Phone: (310) 820-0123 areas of the hemp and marijuana industries .
E-mail: grossman@bigplanet .com
Continuing educations and certifications:
MALINGERING (Please see our resume on page 410 for further Certifications:
Association of Certified Commercial Cannabis
CCCE (Certified Commercial Cannabis
Angeles Cheung, Ph.D., ABPP
Independent Practice University of Denver Certification Classes:
Cannabis Compliance Management
New York, NY Philip E. Newman, MD, FACC Certification and Risk Management
Phone: (646) 256-1195 Cardiologist Cannabis Agriculture and Horticulture
E-mail: angeles .cheung@gmail .com
Newport Beach, CA The Business of Cannabis
Phone: (949) 689-2249 Equity and the Cannabis Connection
(Please see our resume on page 402 for further E-mail: dr .pnewman@sbcglobal .net MEDICAL EXPERTS
details.) State of Colorado:
(Please see our complete listing under the Certified Hemp Sampler for the State of
following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Colorado
(CHIROPRACTIC) Areas of expertise include:
Hemp and marijuana market analysis
MANNER OF DEATH Feminized seed production
Indoor cultivation of cannabis for seed and
Elite Medical Experts flower
Bentley Burton Seedling production and field planting
CEO Arash Bereliani Clone production
Seedling production
Tucson, AZ M.D., M.S, F.A.C.C. Field production for cannabinoids
Phone: (877) 670-5592 Beverly Hills, CA Pest and pathogen management
Toll Free Phone: (877) 670-5592 Phone: (310) 383-1844 Yield projections and crop valuation (economic
E-mail: strategists@elitemedicalexperts .com E-mail: bereliani .a .md@gmail .com damages)-
(Please see our resume on page 408 for further (Please see our resume on page 400 for further Evaluation of certificates of analysis (COA)
Breeding and strain trait selection
details.) details.) Hydroponic equipment and infrastructure
(Please see our resume on page 398 for further
Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness 277