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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025                          Medical Toxicology
                                             Wayne M. Whalen, D.C, FIACN,       Environmental and Occupational Health,
               MEDICAL MARIJUANA             FICC                               Colorado School of Public Health . Dr . Kosnett
                                               Whalen Chiropractic              received a BS degree in molecular biophysics
                                                                                and biochemistry from Yale University, an
                                               Santee, CA                       MD degree from the University of California,
            Theodore Menadier                  Phone: (619) 258-1144            San Francisco, and an MPH degree in
             Approach One LLC                  E-mail: drwwhalen@gmail .com     environmental health sciences from the
             Littleton, CO                                                      University of California, Berkeley .
             Phone: (717) 357 0148           (Please see our complete listing under the
             E-mail: tmeadier@gmail .com     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Dr . Kosnett offers consultation and expert
                                             Chiropractic)                      services regarding complex occupational,
            (Please see our resume on page 398 for further                      environmental and pharmaceutical cases,
            details.)                                                           including medical malpractice matters . He also
                                                MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY              offers consultation regarding transportation
                                                                                accidents, including the role potentially played
                                                                                by alcohol, drugs, and toxic substances .
                MEDICAL PRACTICE             Michael J. Kosnett, MD,            He participates in risk assessment and risk
                    GUIDELINES                                                  management, risk communication, and
                                             MPH, FACMT                         medical surveillance . In addition to seeing
                                               4495 Hale Parkway, Suite 301     patients in his clinical practice, he has lectured
            Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.     Denver, CO 80220-6204            extensively worldwide . Dr. Kosnett has 34
                                               Phone: (303) 571-5778
                                                                                years of experience as a testifying expert
             Medical Director                  E-mail: michael .kosnett@        in federal and state courts.
             Forensic Psychiatric Associates   ucdenver .edu
             (           Web: https://coloradosph .cuanschutz .edu/  Dr. James C. Norris
             Covina, CA                        resources/directory/directory-profile/Kosnett-  Expert Witness in Toxicology and
             Phone: (415) 388-8040                                              Pharmacology
             E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
                                               Profile: Dr. Kosnett has 34 years’   Benton, AR
                                               experience as a physician board certified   Phone: (815) 955-5838
            (Please see our resume on page 414 for further                      E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
            details.)                          in medical toxicology, occupational
                                               medicine, and internal medicine. His
                                               national and international activities have   (Please see our resume on page 375 for further
                                               included President, American College of   details.)
                 MEDICAL QUALITY               Medical Toxicology; Committee on Toxicology,
                    ASSURANCE                  National Academies of Science, Engineering   Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH,
                                               and Medicine; NIOSH Board of Scientific   FAAN, FACOEM
                                               Counselors; CDC Advisory Committee on
                                               Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention; EPA   Neurology and Electromyography
            Bennett S. Greenspan, M.D.         Science Advisory Board panels (lead in air,   Neurotoxicology
             North Augusta, SC                 water, dust); Consultant and Temporary   Occupational and Environmental
             Phone: (573) 808-0918             Advisor to the World Health Organization
             E-mail: BenGreenspan0708@gmail .com  (arsenic in drinking water; chelation of heavy   Medicine
                                               metals); Agency for Toxic Substances and   San Francisco Bay Area
            (Please see our resume on page 409 for further   Disease Registry (ATSDR) expert panels (lead   Locations, Sacramento and
            details.)                          biomonitoring; hair analysis); and toxicology   Arcata/Eureka, CA
                                               consultant to US Air Force Science Advisory
                                               Board, the US Navy Naval Air Command, and   California Qualified Medical
                MEDICAL RECORDS                the US Army Public Health Center . He is a   Examiner
                                               member of the Impairment Advisory Board of
                      REVIEW                   the National Safety Council .    Mill Valley, CA
                                                                                Phone: (415) 606-1465
                                                                                E-mail: jsrutch@neoma .com
                                               Dr . Kosnett was the 2016 Recipient of the
            Arash Bereliani                    American College of Medical Toxicology   (Please see our complete listing under the
             M.D., M.S,  F.A.C.C.              Matthew J . Ellenhorn Award (career   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             Beverly Hills, CA                 achievement award in recognition of   Neurology)
                                               “extraordinary contributions to the field of
             Phone: (310) 383-1844             medical toxicology .”)
             E-mail: bereliani .a .md@gmail .com
                                                                                                                  MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                               Dr . Kosnett has been an Attending Physician
            (Please see our resume on page 400 for further   for the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug
                                               Center (1995 - present) and the San Francisco
                                               Bay Area Poison Control Center (1989 - 1994) .
            Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.     With funding from the Colorado Department
             Medical Director                  of Public Health and Environment and the
             Forensic Psychiatric Associates   National Institute on Drug Abuse he has been
             (           engaged in research investigating the impact
                                               of cannabis use on driving performance and
             Covina, CA                        impairment . He has offered consultation
             Phone: (415) 388-8040             to the State of Colorado and other parties
             E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com     regarding child resistant packaging, dosage
                                               limits and labeling for marijuana products, the
            (Please see our resume on page 414 for further   pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of
            details.)                          cannabinoids, and marijuana driving under the
                                               influence (DUI) assessment.

                                               Academic Affiliations: Associate Clinical
                                               Professor, Division of Pulmonary Sciences
                                               and Critical Care Medicine, Department of
                                               Medicine, University of Colorado School
                                               of Medicine, and the Department of
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