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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                              ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025

                                                Dr. John R. Black (DBA) is the President of Aragon National Inc. He is a
                                                nationally recognized expert witness in police practices, Officer Involved
                                                Shootings (OiS), police training, corrections UoF, and self-defense issues. Dr.
                                                Black regularly presents at internationally recognized conferences about
                                                concepts such as framing, complexity, systems thinking, and sensemaking-
                                                decisionmaking (SM-DM) paradigm as related to policing. He is a certified FSI
                                                advanced force specialist and InputAce/Axon Investigate at Examiner and
                                                Metrological levels.

                                                His doctoral work concentrated on how people take and use visual
                                                information when making decisions in the business world. He has taken his
                                                study of human thinking in systems (a Masters in Homeland defense with an
                                                emphasis on counter-terrorism) and expanded the idea of using a systems
                                                thinking approach to understand how we look at decision making both after
                                                the decision, more importantly on that which precedes the decision. He is
                                                currently enrolled in his second Master’s degree (psychology) studying this
                                                 question from a cognitive and philosophical perspective. He is also a
                                                certified system thinking trainer from the Cabrera Research labs at Cornell
            JOHN                                University. He is a graduate of the Advanced Force Science Analyst course.

                                                His 23+ years of experience include command level within law enforcement
            BLACK                               (Patrol, Investigations, Corrections, & Training). Specialty areas include
                                                mental health response and long-term strategies, crisis negotiations,
                                                intelligence teams, mobile response teams, and Use of force (UoF)
                                                reporting, policy, and accountability. Senior instructor for defensive tactics,
                                                firearms, CQB, small unit tactics, and force simulation. Advanced training
            P r es i d en t                     and involvement with sensitive administrative reviews involving UoF and
                                                officer malfeasance.
                                                A retired SGM from the US Army Special Forces Community with 30+ years

                                                of expertise in military special operations (US Army Special Forces, Civil
                                                Affairs, Psychological Operations) and national-level operations.  Senior
                                                trainer, instructor, and mentor in subject areas ranging from small unit
                                                tactics, firearms, special operations, critical thinking, leadership, intelligence
                                                analysis, and decision-making.

                                                I have lived in both the operator and Intell world and continue to consult on
                                                varied projects. Throughout it all, I have seen how it all comes back to that
                                                moment of insight that precedes the decision. I believe that the research
                                                space of sensemaking/decision-making/insight generation is a dynamic area.
                                                It is a blend of the objective quantitative dimensions combined with the
                                                qualitative human-in-the-loop experience, perception, knowledge, human
            CONTACT                             factors,  heuristics, and bias (good and bad).

            PHONE:                              This space of insight and sensemaking; that which precedes and in fact
            503-707-5107                        determines one’s choice on which to act (from a system thinking and
                                                complexity framework) is a critically needed understanding that police must
                                                recognize and incorporate into their thinking.
                                                If I can be of assistance, one just needs to ask. I look forward to our
            E: [email protected]     conversations, a good bourbon, and a cigar.

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