Page 68 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Computer Fraud ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
Norris Associates
Technologies Matthew Albee John Horst, CISSP® -
2534 Murrell Road DataChasers, Inc. ISSAP®
Santa Barbara, CA 93109-1859 Riverside, CA Chief Technology
Phone: (805) 962-7703 Phone: (951) 534-6294 Officer
Fax: (805) 456-2169 E-mail: matt@datachasers .com Xanesti Technology
E-mail: Wayne@Norris-Associates .com
Web: https://Norris-Associates .com (Please see our complete listing under the Services, LLC
following area of expertise: Expert Categories: 10679 Westview Pkwy, 2nd Fl, Unit 2
Degrees/Licenses: BA, Physics, Project Computer Forensics) San Diego, CA 92126
Management Professional [PMP], Certified Phone: (858) 254-8575
Scrum Master [CSM], FAA Airline Transport Steven Burgess Fax: (800) 804-6852
Pilot Certificate [ATP] Burgess Forensics E-mail: john .horst@xanesti .com
San Luis Obispo, CA Web: http://www .xanesti .com/litigation
Profile: Mr . Norris is a nuclear and computer Phone: 805-349-7676
scientist, accountant, former cybersecurity E-mail: steve@burgessforensics .com Degrees/Licenses: CISSP(r)-ISSAP(r)
manager, former airline pilot, executive,
and serial entrepreneur with 52 years of (Please see our resume on page 343 for further Profile: John Horst is a 25 year veteran
professional experience and 35 years of details.) information technology professional with
expert witness experience in multiple areas internationally recognized certifications
common in litigation . Joseph Greenfield in cyber security and secure software
architectures and development . Mr . Horst
His areas of expertise include computer and Ph.D. currently supports the Office of the Secretary
cell phone forensics, creation of forensic Maryman & Associates Inc. of Defense’s Defense Manpower Data
videos, valuation and appraisal of technology Los Angeles, CA Center, advising on program architecture
products and services, computer system Phone: (818) 290 3775 and secure software development . Mr . Horst
security, general aviation, patents, copyrights, E-mail: [email protected] provided expert consultation and testimony
trade secrets, and software code analysis . in Planned Parenthood Federation of
(Please see our complete listing under the America v Center for Medical Progress . Mr .
He served as the CEO of an expert witness following area of expertise: Expert Categories: Horst has also consulted for the defense on
firm that made forensic videos used in court. Digital Forensics) digital forensics in an industrial espionage
He has served as an expert witness or case in federal court . Mr . Horst appears
consultant in more than 102 cases and offered regularly on local (San Diego, CA) media to
testimony in more than 40, including two provide expert commentary on data privacy
death penalty cases, and numerous patent COMPUTER INDUSTRY and cyber security issues in the news . Mr .
and software copyright infringement cases, Horst has also participated on recent expert
including valuations and Abstraction-Filtration- panels concerning practical cyber security
Comparison tests . He was the chief expert Brooks Hilliard for start-up businesses at a conference held
witness for software development issues in the Business Automation Associates, by the National Institute of Standards and
$1 .7 billion Microsoft et al vs Commissioner Inc. Technology (NIST) . .
[US Tax Court 16878-96] . As a corporate
President and CFO he personally took an Phoenix, AZ Video of Mr . Horst on “Good Morning San
international software company public on US Phone: (602) 264-9263 Diego” at https://goo .gl/JJKF1b”>https://goo .
markets before the SEC . E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com gl/JJKF1b
He holds 7 granted patents in nuclear physics (Please see our complete listing under the Wayne B. Norris
and less than lethal ammunition and following area of expertise: Expert Categories: Principal
founded and served for 5 years as the chief Business/ERP Software) Norris Associates Technologies
scientist of a nuclear research laboratory
working in counterterrorism . Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC. Santa Barbara, CA
G. Michael Phillips Phone: (805) 962-7703
(Please see our resume on page 376 for further Pasadena, CA E-mail: Wayne@Norris-Associates .com
details.) blank
Phone: (626) 744-3540 Santa Barbara, CA
E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com
Joe Sremack Phone: (805) 962-7703
E-mail: Wayne@Norris-Associates .com
Marcum LLP (Please see our resume on page 378 for further
New York, NY details.) (Please see our resume on page 376 for further
Phone: (202) 423-9803 details.)
E-mail: Joe .Sremack@marcumllp .com
(Please see our resume on page 387 for further COMPUTER SOFTWARE
Jason C. Fries
Lead Forensic Expert eCompCONSULTANTS
3D Forensic, Inc Ivan Zatkovich
San Francisco, CA Principal Consultant
Phone: (415) 754-7772 Tampa, FL
E-mail: cases@3d-forensic .com Phone: (813) 601-8142
E-mail: ivanzat@ecompconsultants .com
(Please see our resume on page 335 for further
details.) (Please see our resume on page 352 for further
46 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness