Page 70 - ALMExperts 2025 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Concrete Reinforcement                           ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2025
                                          Mark C. Higgins, ASA
                 CONCRETE                  President                       L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta
              REINFORCEMENT                Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.    Nolta Consulting
                                           Los Angeles, CA                   6115 Syracuse Lane
                                           Phone: (213) 617-7775             San Diego, CA 92122
                                           E-mail: mhiggins@hmlinc .com
        L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta                                             Phone: (858) 232-9299
         Nolta Consulting                 (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .
         San Diego, CA                    following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Web: http://www .NoltaConsulting .com
         Phone: (858) 232-9299            Business Valuation)
         E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com                                   Degrees/Licenses: Bachelors of Science
                                                                             Degree, Construction Engineering, College of
        (Please see our resume on page 374 for further   CONSERVATION        Engineering, Arizona State U .
                                           EASEMENT APPRAISALS               California Licensed Contractor with
                                                                             classifications as a General Contractor in “A”
         CONCRETE STRUCTURES              Kevin Flanigan                     Engineering and “B” Building and a Specialty
              AND PAVEMENTS                                                  Contractor (Subcontractor) in “C-8” Concrete .
                                           Certified Appraiser
                                           Fidelity Appraisals LLC           Profile: Construction Engineer, CA licensed
        L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta           Phoenix, AZ                       contractor with GC clasifications in “A”
                                                                             Engineering and “B” Building plus a “C-8”
         Nolta Consulting                  Phone: (888) 285-3014             Concrete specialty (sub) contractor . Fred
                                           E-mail: [email protected]
         San Diego, CA                                                       Nolta has o ver 40 years of continuous and
         Phone: (858) 232-9299            (Please see our resume on page 359 for further   diverse construction experience as a general
         E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com                                   contractor/subcontractor . Career positions
                                          details.)                          progressing from: laborer, field engineer,
        (Please see our resume on page 374 for further                       superintendent, estimator, project manager,
        details.)                                                            project executive, group manager to principal .
        Shakir Shatnawi, Ph.D., P.E.                                         Fred is a detailed analyst, communicates in
                                                                             layman’s terms, and is a credible presenter
         Shatec Engineering Consultants,   Steven B. Norris                  with trial testimony experience .
         LLC                               Principal Engineer
         President                         Architectural & Engineering       *Services: Forensic analysis, claims
         El Dorado Hills, CA                                                 preparation, opinion and testimony for defense
                                                                             or plaintiff . All aspects including: standard of
         Phone: (916) 990-6488             Design Group
         E-mail: sshatnawi@shatec .net     San Marcos, CA                    care, defect, delay / acceleration / disruption,
                                           Phone: (760) 839-7302             scheduling, cost estimating, cost of repair,
        (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: steve@aeforensics .com  change orders, contracts, personal injury,
                                                                             wrongful termination, etc .
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                      *Product type experience: Residential,
        Civil Engineering)                (Please see our resume on page 339 for further
                                          details.)                          multifamily, commercial, health care,
                                                                             hospitality, education, light industrial, and
                                                                             site development including: offices, retail,
         CONCRETE/FOUNDATIONS             David J. Brotman, FAIA             restaurants, food service, multifamily
                                           Scottsdale, AZ                    high-rise, apartments, condos, hospitals,
                                           Phone: (480) 912-1110             medical office buildings (MOB), hotels,
                                           Alt . Phone: (310) 409-7111
        L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta           E-mail: Sunset100@verizon .net    schools, stadium, theater, parking, power /
         Nolta Consulting                                                    co-generation, waste water treatment, Indian
                                                                             gaming and casinos .
         San Diego, CA                    (Please see our resume on page 341 for further   *Concrete expertise: High-rise (to 51 floors),
         Phone: (858) 232-9299            details.)                          slip form, jump form, tilt-up, precast, pre-
         E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com                                   stressed, post tension slab, mat slab, caisson,
                                          Jack W. Harris                     underpinning, shoring and foundation .
        (Please see our resume on page 374 for further   Jack W. Harris, Inc.  *Structural expertise: Framing, reinforcing
        details.)                                                            (rebar), gage, structural, and miscellaneous
                                           Denver, CO
                                           Phone: (303) 324-5812             steel and wood .
                                                                             *Additional expertise: Building envelope
                                           E-mail: jack@jackwharris .com
              CONDEMNATION                                                   (water intrusion), window washing equipment,
                 VALUATION                (Please see our resume on page 364 for further   pre-engineered building/structure, earthwork/
                                                                             grading, excavation and building/foundation
                                                                             settlement .
                                                                             Client experience: Private, public works
        BTI Appraisal                                                        (prevailing wage), military and Native
         Ben F. Tunnell III                                                  American (reservation, sales tax mitigation) .
         Chairman                                                          (Please see our resume on page 374 for further
         Glendale, CA                                                      details.)
         Phone: (213) 532-3800
         E-mail: ben@btiappraisal .com
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:

        48                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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