Page 59 - ALMExperts 2025 National Egineering Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2025 Mechanical Engineering
Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE, Steven Pietropaolo CEO, MS, P.E.,
President & CEO LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C. J Riley Consulting,
Real-World Forensic Engineering, North White Plains, NY LLC
LLC Phone: (914) 670-0208 7408 Fontana St .
E-mail: steve@lgiforensic .com
Lubbock, TX Prairie Village, KS 66208
Phone: (806) 368-9811 (Please see our resume on page 94 for further Phone: (913) 638-5071
E-mail: info@expertengineering .com E-mail: jrileyconsulting@cs .com
(Please see our resume on page 96 for further Degrees/Licenses: BSME Kansas University
details.) Mike Plunkett P .E . Kansas
President, Engineering Associate
Services Profile: Project Manager, Feasibility Studies,
MECHANICAL Wakefield, RI Generation Planning, Coal, Natural Gas,
Phone: (401) 935-6557 Nuclear, Construction Monitor, Operation
E-mail: Mikeb .plunkett@gmail .com Monitor, Fiduciary Review, Technology
Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE, Evaluation, International Consultant, Contract
Term Definition, Litigation Support, Wind
MBA, CFEI, CFII (Please see our complete listing under the Generation .
following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
President & CEO Structural Engineering)
Real-World Forensic Engineering, US Navy Submarine officer. Professional
Registration in 13 states during career .
LLC Rapperport Associates, Inc. Testimony and deposition before PUC
Lubbock, TX Daniel Rapperport commissions, State and Federal courts and
Phone: (806) 368-9811 Lexington, MA Arbitration Hearings .
E-mail: info@expertengineering .com Phone: (781) 862-9001
Cell: (339) 222-2822 Design of nuclear, coal-fired, gas fired, waste
(Please see our resume on page 96 for further E-mail: dan@rapperport .com and waste coal-fired generation.
(Please see our resume on page 95 for further Litigation support on multiple projects
Canney Brook Forensic Engineers details.) including coal-fired, gas-fired, combined cycle,
R Craig Williams PE CFEI CFII pipeline, etc .
BSME MSAE PhD(abd) Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE, Cale Robertson
Dover, NH MBA, CFEI, CFII Robertson Engineering
Phone: (603) 742-7200 President & CEO
E-mail: solutions@canneybrook .com Real-World Forensic Engineering, Investigations, LLC (REI)
LLC Mesilla Park, NM
(Please see our resume on page 100 for further Lubbock, TX Phone: (575) 644-9595
details.) E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (806) 368-9811
E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
(Please see our complete listing under the
MECHANICAL (Please see our resume on page 96 for further following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
ENGINEERING details.) Forensic Engineering) EXPERT CATEGORIES
Scott J. Anson, Ph.D., P.E.
Principal Forensic Engineer
Anson Engineering, LLC
Harleton, TX
Phone: (585) 880-2612
E-mail: ScottAnson@AnsonEngineeringLLC .
(Please see our complete listing under the
following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
Accident Investigation & Failure Analysis)
Charles M. Curley
Cortland, NY
Phone: (607) 745-0861
E-mail: curley@impact-echo .com
(Please see our complete listing under the
following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
Electro Mechanical)
Clifton Knight
KnightHawk Engineering Inc.
Houston, TX
Phone: (281) 282-9200
Cell: (281) 702-0203
E-mail: nknight@knighthawk .com
(Please see our resume on page 92 for further
Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness 49