Page 60 - ALMExperts 2025 National Egineering Directory
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Mechanical Illustrations                                ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2025

        Mike Simard                              MECHANICAL                   MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
         Principal                              ILLUSTRATIONS
         PACED Engineering
         Inc                                                               Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         2127 Inverness Ln                Rapperport Associates, Inc.        Daniel Rapperport
         Berwyn, PA 19312                  Daniel Rapperport                 Lexington, MA
         Phone: (484) 876-1040             Lexington, MA                     Phone: (781) 862-9001
         E-mail: mike .simard@pacedengg .com  Phone: (781) 862-9001          Cell: (339) 222-2822
                                           Cell: (339) 222-2822              E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
         Degrees/Licenses: BSME, MSME, MBA,   E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
         Professional Engineer (PE) .                                      (Please see our resume on page 95 for further
         Project Manager Professional (PMP), Cost   (Please see our resume on page 95 for further   details.)
         Estimating Professional (CEP)    details.)
                                                                           Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         Profile: Expertise in engineering design,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   MBA, CFEI, CFII
         manufacturing processes, manufacturing   MBA, CFEI, CFII            President & CEO
         costs, industrial construction, heavy                               Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         machinery, project management, capital   President & CEO
         cost estimating, quality assurance, and   Real-World Forensic Engineering,   LLC
         industrial safety. Specific technical skills in   LLC               Lubbock, TX
         industrial plant construction, pilot plants,   Lubbock, TX          Phone: (806) 368-9811
         process scale-up, commissioning & testing,   Phone: (806) 368-9811  E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         and troubleshooting. Specific technical   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         skills in biomass handling, slurry pumping,                       (Please see our resume on page 96 for further
         supercritical fluids, mixing systems, liquid/solid                details.)
         separation, control valves, compressed-air   (Please see our resume on page 96 for further
         systems, material handling, and mechanical   details.)
         systems .                                                              METAL CHEMISTRY

         Experienced expert witness in testimony   MECHANICAL/PROCESS/
         and report writing, retained by both plaintiff   SYSTEM
         and defense counsels, in cases involving                          Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         manufacturing process design, facility                              Daniel Rapperport
         decontamination/relocation, and industrial                          Lexington, MA
         accidents .                      Mike Simard                        Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                           Principal                         Cell: (339) 222-2822
         Over 30 years of experience in process   PACED Engineering Inc      E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
         design and manufacturing for start-ups to   Berwyn, PA
         Fortune 100 companies in power generation,   Phone: (484) 876-1040  (Please see our resume on page 95 for further
         biomass conversion, and building material   E-mail: mike .simard@pacedengg .com  details.)
         industries . Education includes BSME, MSME,
         and MBA . Licensed Professional Engineer   (Please see our complete listing under the   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         (PE), certified Project Manager Professional   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         (PMP), and Certified Estimating Professional                      MBA, CFEI, CFII
         (CEP) . Published author, conference speaker,   Mechanical Engineering)  President & CEO
         and inventor with multiple patents . Fluent in                      Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         French, both written and spoken .  Canney Brook Forensic Engineers
                                           R Craig Williams PE CFEI CFII     LLC
        Mark R. Webster, PE, MSME, DFE,    BSME MSAE PhD(abd)                Lubbock, TX
        MBA                                Dover, NH                         Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                                                             E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         Board Certified Forensic          Phone: (603) 742-7200
         Engineer                          E-mail: solutions@canneybrook .com  (Please see our resume on page 96 for further
         Webster Engineering, LLC         (Please see our resume on page 100 for further   details.)
         Hubertus, WI                     details.)
         Phone: (262) 707-2159
         E-mail: mark@webster-eng .com                                          METAL CORROSION
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   FASTENED JOINTS  Clifton Knight
                                                                             KnightHawk Engineering Inc.
                                                                             Houston, TX
        Canney Brook Forensic Engineers   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Phone: (281) 282-9200
         R Craig Williams PE CFEI CFII    MBA, CFEI, CFII                    Cell: (281) 702-0203
         BSME MSAE PhD(abd)                President & CEO                   E-mail: nknight@knighthawk .com
         Dover, NH                         Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         Phone: (603) 742-7200             LLC                             (Please see our resume on page 92 for further
         E-mail: solutions@canneybrook .com                                details.)
                                           Lubbock, TX
                                           Phone: (806) 368-9811
        (Please see our resume on page 100 for further   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 96 for further

        50                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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