Page 105 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                        Operating Room Standards of Care
                                             Timothy P. Korytko MD
                 OFFICE SURGERY                Cooperstown, NY                      OPERATING ROOM
                                               Phone: (800) 722-4143
                                               E-mail: timothy@korytko .com       STANDARDS OF CARE
            Jonathan Zelken, M.D.            (Please see our resume on page 161 for further
             Zelken Institute for Aesthetic   details.)                        Richard S. Casden, M.D. F.A.A.O.
             Medicine                                                           Ophthalmologist
             Newport Beach, CA               Medilex, Inc.                      Refocus Eye
             Phone: (949) 432-4730             New York, NY                     Health of CT
             E-mail: drzelken@zelkeninstitute .com  Phone: (212) 234-1999
                                               Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX  Danbury, CT
            (Please see our resume on page 183 for further   E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com  Phone: (203) 794-0494
            details.)                                                           E-mail: rcacuityeye@snet .net
                                             (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
                                             details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 150 for further
                    ONCOLOGY                                                   details.)
                                             Jennifer Nulton OTR/L, CHT, CLT,   John A Seitz MD
            Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA  Rockville, MD                    Seitz Anesthesia
             Clinical Pharmacology Services    Phone: (240) 899-5381            NY, NY
                                                                                Phone: (212) 920-6352
             & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical   E-mail: jnulton@hotmail .com    E-mail: seitzanesthesia@gmail .com
             Sciences                        (Please see our complete listing under the
             Clinical Pharmacology Services,   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   (Please see our complete listing under the
             Inc.                            Physical Medicine)                following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             Tampa, FL
             Phone: (813) 983-1500
             Cell: (813) 679-0792                 ONCOLOGY MISSED
             E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  DIAGNOSIS
             cpshealth .com
            (Please see our resume on page 145 for further   Timothy P. Korytko MD
                                               Cooperstown, NY
                                               Phone: (800) 722-4143
                                               E-mail: timothy@korytko .com
                                             (Please see our resume on page 161 for further

                                                                                                                  MEDICAL EXPERTS

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