Page 100 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Neurotology                                                 ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024
        Dr. Larry Fishman MD
         Neurosurgeon                           NEUROTOLOGY                Jonathan J. Lipman
         301 W . Platt St                                                  Ph.D.
         Tampa, FL 33606                  Glenn W. Knox, MD, JD, FACS,       Neuropharmacologist
         Phone: (813) 598-3474                                               Board Certified
         Fax: (813) 221-3475              FACHE                              Forensic Examiner
         E-mail: [email protected]  Nitinetics LLC              150 Hawk Ridge Road
                                           Jacksonville, FL                  Unicoi, TN 37692
         Degrees/Licenses: Board-certified   Phone: (904) 568-6516           Phone: (423) 743-5300
         neurosurgeon                      E-mail: glenn .knox .md@gmail .com  E-mail: jlipman@neuroscienceconsulting .com
                                                                             Web: http://www .neuroscienceconsulting .com
         Profile: Dr . Larry Fishman is Mayo clinic   (Please see our complete listing under the
         trained, a board-certified neurosurgeon. He   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Degrees/Licenses: PhD
         has over 30 years of experience covering   Dizziness)               Neuropharmacology, Fellow of the Royal
         emergency room calls including brain and                            Society of Medicine, certified in Pain
         spinal trauma . Since his residency, he has   Medilex, Inc.         Management, Forensic Examination,
         performed over 15,000 operations and   New York, NY                 Substance Abuse and other branches of
         procedures .                      Phone: (212) 234-1999             clinical pharmacology
                                           Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
         Dr . Fishman also has extensive peer review   E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com  Profile: Areas of expertise include all
         experience and is a highly qualified expert                         areas of pharmacology with emphasis on
         witness . He has performed hundreds of IMEs   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   neuropharmacology, psychoactive drugs,
         as well as depositions . His cases are reviewed   details.)         intoxication, drug-drug interactions, substance
         within 1 to 2 weeks of receipt of the records,                      abuse and drug effects on behavior . Research
         and immediately after performing the IME .
                                                                             interests include pain, addiction and opiate
        Medilex, Inc.                         NEUROTOXICOLOGY                drug effects including adverse effects and
                                                                             stimulant drug psychotoxicity . Consultations
         New York, NY                                                        offered include litigation support in cases of
         Phone: (212) 234-1999                                               disability evaluation, response of the brain
         Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX  Aimee Nefcy, MD                    injured and psychiatrically impaired to drugs,
         E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com   Nefcy MedTox Expert LLC           therapeutic and otherwise, drug effects in
                                           Canton, MI                        criminal defendants and witnesses to and
        (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   Phone: (734) 328 9677  victims of crime .
        details.)                          E-mail: Aimee .Nefcy@gmail .com
                                                                             Past consultations have involved: addiction
        Tobias A. Mattei MD,              (Please see our complete listing under the   behavior; addiction diseases; alcohol abuse;
        FACS                              following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   drug abuse; amphetamines; anesthetics,
                                                                             benzodiazepines, carbon monoxide poisoning;
         Chief of Spine Surgery,          Medical Toxicology)                solvent / inhalant intoxication, cardiac
         Assistant Professor of           Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA  pharmacology; cardiovascular pharmacology;
         Neurosurgery                      Clinical Pharmacology Services    chronic pain; clinical nutrition; cocaine;
         Saint Louis University            & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical   conduct disorder; drug-drug and drug-
                                                                             food interactions, deviant behavior; dietary
         St Louis, MO                      Sciences                          supplements; disability evaluation; drug
         Phone: (614) 403-2731                                               delivery; drug epidemiology; drug safety; drug
         E-mail: tobiasmattei@gmail .com   Clinical Pharmacology Services,   toxicology; ephedra / ephedrine products; fetal
         Web: https://expert-spine .com    Inc.                              alcohol syndrome; forensic toxicology; heroin;
                                           Tampa, FL                         informed consent; LSD;  marijuana; medical
         Degrees/Licenses: Fellowship-trained   Phone: (813) 983-1500        ethics; medical marijuana; methadone;
         spine surgeon/neurosurgeon . Active medical   Cell: (813) 679-0792  medical toxicology; neurodevelopmental
         licenses in Missouri, Maine, New York and   E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  outcomes; neuropsychopharmacology;
         Ohio                              cpshealth .com                    opioids; pain management; pediatric
                                                                             pharmacology; PCP; pharmacokinetics;
         Profile: Dr . Tobias Mattei is a fellowship-  (Please see our resume on page 145 for further   pharmacological mechanisms; prescribing
         trained academic neurosurgeon specializing   details.)              errors; psychotropic pharmaceuticals;
         in complex spine/deformity surgery . He is                          toxic inhalations; victim behavior, violence,
         currently practicing as Assistant Professor                         homicide, witness memory .
         of the Division of Neurosurgery of St . Louis
         University Hospital, a level 1 trauma center .                    (Please see our complete listing under the
         Dr . Mattei holds an unrestricted medical                         following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         license in the states of Ohio, Missouri, New                      Neuropharmacology)
         York and Maine, having never been submitted
         to any sanction or disciplinary action by
         the respective medical boards . He is in the
         editorial board of several journals and has
         published more than 130 peer-reviewed
         indexed scientific articles. As a medical expert
         witness, Dr . Mattei provides services in the
         field of spine surgery and neurosurgery.
        (Please see our resume on page 169 for further

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