Page 124 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Psychiatry                                                  ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024

        Accredited Psychiatry &           Kenneth E. DiNella, M.D.         Jeffrey Alan Sugar MD
        Medicine                           P .O . Box 686                    Child, Adolescent &
         Harold J. Bursztajn,              Americus, GA 31709                Adult Psychiatrist
         M.D.                              Phone: (229) 942-3075             Adjunct Professor of
                                           Fax: (229) 928-8919
         Cambridge, MA 02138               E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .      Clinical Psychiatry at
         Phone: (617) 492-8366             com                               USC
         Fax: (617) 441-3195
         E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu  blank  (Mailing Address)      Los Angeles, CA
         Web: http://www .forensic-psych .com  Americus, GA 31709            Phone: (310) 291-0886
                                                                             E-mail: jeffsugarmd@gmail .com
                                           Phone: (229) 942-3075             Web: http://www .jeffsugarmd .com
         Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., Licensed in   Fax: (229) 928-8919
         Massachusetts                     E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .com
                                                                             Degrees/Licenses: MD, Board Certified:
                                                                             Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry
         Profile: Harold J . Bursztajn, M .D ., President   Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., State of Georgia
         of the American Unit of the UNESCO                                   Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychiatry:
                                                                             University of Southern California
         Bioethics Chair, Harvard Medical School   Profile: Duke-trained, board-certified    Distinguished Life Fellow: American
         Co-Founder of the Program in Psychiatry and   psychiatrist with over 30 years of professional   Psychiatric Association
         the Law, Associate Professor of Psychiatry,   experience, including chief of staff and
         and Principal Mentor for students, is an   medical director . Experienced expert witness
         award-winning clinician active in patient   in child custody, civil and criminal matters .   Profile: Plaintiff, defense: child and adult
         care, teaching and research . He consults   Completed 140 hours of SEAK expert witness   cases: Institutional Sexual Abuse.  Trauma
         to plaintiff and defense counsel, insurance   training courses . Teaching experience at   Affecting Child Development • Physical,
                                                                             Sexual and  Emotional Abuse • Workplace
         firms, and state and federal agencies as an   Duke University Medical Center . Former Chief
         expert in general and forensic psychiatry and   Outpatient Resident at Duke’s Psychiatric   Stress • Internet Seduction • Psychological
         neuropsychiatry, malpractice and informed   Residency program . Magna Cum Laude   Effects of Brain or Body Injury • PTSD
         consent, malingering and misattribution,   graduate (psychology major) of Vanderbilt
         and organizational ethics . He also advises   University with high honors in psychology .  Education:  MD, UCSF; Residency:
                                                                             Psychiatry, Harbor-UCLA; Fellowship: Child
         the judiciary as an expert on standards
         of reliability of expert methodology . Dr .   (Please see our resume on page 153 for further   Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
         Bursztajn has nationwide experience as a   details.)
         distinguished expert qualified to testify in                        Distinctions:  Board Certified: Both
         state and federal courts . Areas of expertise   Sanford I. Finkel, M.D.  Child & General Psychiatry; Chief Fellow,
                                                                             UCLA; Journal Reviewer; Invited Speaker;
         include Employment Issues: disability,
         worker’s compensation, discrimination and   Clinical Professor of Psychiatry  Distinguished Life Fellow: American
         harassment; Malpractice and Informed   University of Chicago Medical   Psychiatric Association
         Consent; Medical and Mental Health:   School
         emotional and physical damages, conscious   Wilmette, IL            Years Practicing:  33; Testimony Last 6
                                                                             Years:  10
         pain and suffering, PTSD, misattribution   Phone: (312) 263-0139
         and malingering, neuropsychiatry and brain
         imaging; Product Liability and Toxic Tort;   Cell: (847) 977-5044   Employment: Consulting Psychiatrist:
                                           E-mail: [email protected],
         Class Actions; Criminal Justice: diminished   sfinkel104@aol .com   Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center
         capacity resulting from neuropsychiatric
         disorders including major mental illness, drug
         addiction, and brain injury; Family Issues:   (Please see our resume on page 154 for further   Past Employment: USC: Director: Child
         divorce, custody, and testamentary capacity;   details.)            Psychiatry Trauma Program, 16 years;
         and Professional Ethics in clinical practice                        Private Practice; Residential Treatment—
         and research, clinical staff credentialing,   Robert James Hill, M.D.,C.P.E.,   Medical and Research Director; Community
                                                                             Clinics; Clinical Faculty: UCLA
         supervision and administration . p/d attorney   M.M.M., Consulting
         references nationwide             Kalamazoo, MI
                                           Phone: (269) 873-6384           (Please see our resume on page 177 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 146 for further   E-mail: robert .j .hill .091660@gmail .com
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          Emergency Medicine)
                                          Medilex, Inc.
                                           New York, NY
                                           Phone: (212) 234-1999
                                           Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
                                           E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
                                          Elliott M. Stein, M.D., Geriatric
                                           Mill Valley, CA
                                           Phone: (415) 672-9352
                                           E-mail: geripsych@aol .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 176 for further

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