Page 128 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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Radiation Oncology                                          ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024
                                                                             Angiography and aneurysm Imaging,
          RADIATION ONCOLOGY                      RADIOLOGY                  Pulmonary imaging, Cardiac Imaging,
                                                                             Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic imaging,
                                                                             Genitourinary Imaging, Pediatric imaging,
                                                                             Head and Neck  Imaging, Pediatric and OB/
        Timothy P. Korytko MD             Daniel Cousin, MD                  GYN imaging, Independent Medical Reviews
         PO Box 1043                       Board-Certified                   (IMEs), Utilization Reviews,  second opinion
         Cooperstown, NY 13326             Radiologist                       imaging reviews, depositions and trial
         Phone: (800) 722-4143                                               testimony .
         E-mail: timothy@korytko .com      304 Indian Trace #884
                                           Weston, FL 33326                  Dr . Cousin may be contacted at: cousin@
                                           Cell: (646) 303-3125
         Degrees/Licenses: MD, 2001        E-mail: cousin@post .harvard .edu,   post .harvard .edu (please cc DrDanCuz@
         Case Western Reserve University . Active NY   DrDanCuz@gmail .com   gmail .com), through his expert consulting
         and Wl medical licenses .                                           website http://www.RadiologistConsultant.
                                           Web: http://www .RADSURITY .com
                                                                             com and, “Be
         Profile: Board certified radiation oncologist   Degrees/Licenses: Medical Doctor (MD),   sure with Radsurity,” or his 4D demonstrative
         with over 10 years clinical experience                              evidence radiology imaging site, http://www .
         treating and diagnosing patients with brain   Florida, New York     medlaw4d .com .
         tumors, spine tumors, breast cancer, lung
         cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, head   Profile: Trained at Harvard, Yale, and   Dr . Cousin started MEDLAW4d and
                                           Columbia, Dr . Daniel Cousin is a Dual-
         and neck cancer, lymphoma, skin cancer,                             RAD1000 to create illustrations that reflect the
         rectal cancer, gynecologic cancers, and soft   Boarded Radiologist with both Medical   findings in medicolegal cases using special
         tissue tumors . Extensive clinical experience   Director and Program Director experience,   postprocessing software to create annotated
         providing radiation therapy to all areas of the   who offers 24-hr turnarounds on consultations   high-quality medical images and/or video that
         body including the brain, spine, and liver, and   and a FREE initial curbside consultation .   make the pathology extremely tangible for any

         experience with radiopharmaceuticals .                              jury or layperson to understand .
                                           Dr. Daniel Cousin is a board-certified,
                                           fellowship-trained expert in Diagnostic   Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4
                                           Radiology. Dr. Cousin is certified by both the   Yrs: 40+
         Available to provide expert witness services   American Board of Radiology and also by the
                                           National Board of Physicians and Surgeons .
         relating to radiation injury and in medical                       (Please see our resume on page 151 for further
         malpractice and personal injury cases in the   Dr . Cousin is currently the Clinical Director   details.)
         areas of cancer treatment, treatment-related   for BayView Radiology, a private practice in
         damages, causation, and claims of delayed   Tampa . He has previously served as Medical   Medilex, Inc.
         cancer diagnosis .                Director for a radiology practice, and also as   New York, NY
                                           a Program Director for a residency Program
                                           where he trained residents to become   Phone: (212) 234-1999
        (Please see our resume on page 161 for further   radiologists . He is an experienced lecturer .   Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
        details.)                                                            E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com
                                           Having held such clinical and administrative
                                           positions in both academic and private
        Medilex, Inc.                      practices, Dr . Cousin is in an apt position to   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
         New York, NY                      provide expert consultation .   details.)
         Phone: (212) 234-1999
         Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX   Dr . Cousin is committed to providing a fast
         E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com   turnaround time, a competitive fee, and   REACTIVE AIRWAYS
                                           quality expert consultation for attorneys and
        (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   organizations both local and national . Dr .   FUNCTION SYNDROME
        details.)                          Cousin provides independent reads, written   (RADS)
                                           reports, expert testimony, and other consulting
                                           services, and has amassed considerable
                                           experience giving expert testimony at   Steven M. Simons
                                           depositions/trial appearances .
                                                                             BS, MD, FACP, FCCP
                                           Dr . Cousin received his BA from Harvard   Beverly Hills, CA
                                           University graduating Magna Cum Laude,   Phone: (310) 274-3444
                                           his MD from the Albert Einstein College   E-mail: ssimonsmd@gmail .com
                                           of Medicine, and completed his radiology
                                           residency training from Yale - Norwalk   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           Hospitals and University of Florida Shands   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                           Hospital - Gainesville programs . In addition,   Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases)
                                           Dr . Cousin completed his postdoctoral
                                           fellowship at Columbia University - NY
                                           Presbyterian in Whole Body Imaging . Dr .   RENAL PATHOLOGY
                                           Cousin served as the Program Director for the
                                           Radiology Residency at Columbia University’s
                                           Harlem Hospital affiliate, teaching residents to
                                           become radiologists .           Medilex, Inc.
                                                                             New York, NY
                                           Dr. Cousin’s fields of expertise include   Phone: (212) 234-1999
                                           the following (in no particular order):   Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX
                                           Diagnostic Radiology, Oncologic Imaging   E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com
                                           of cancer, Neuroradiology, Spine Imaging
                                           including Back/Neck, Mammography and   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
                                           Breast Imaging, Personal Injury and Auto   details.)
                                           Law, Medical Negligence/Malpractice,
                                           Demonstrative Evidence, Legal Medicine,
                                           Gastrointestinal Imaging, Mammography
                                           / Breast Imaging, CT, MRI, PET scan
                                           (positron emission tomography) and PET-
                                           CT, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Radiology,
                                           Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, Xray/Radiography,
                                           Vascular Imaging, Interventional  Radiology,
        116                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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