Page 53 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                   Dental Anesthesiology

             CUSTODY EVALUATIONS                      DEATH ROW                         DEMENTIA
            Washington Psychological                                           Sanjay Adhia, MD MRO
            and Legal Expert Consulting:     Sanjay Adhia, MD MRO               Triple-Board-Certified Forensic
            Violent Behavior, Abuse, and       Triple-Board-Certified Forensic   Psychiatrist
            Psychological Disorders            Psychiatrist                     Sanjay Adhia, MD MRO Forensic
             Dr. Alan J. Lipman, Ph.D., J.D.   Sanjay Adhia, MD MRO Forensic    Psychiatry
             Founder and Director              Psychiatry                       Sugar Land, TX
             Washington, DC                    Sugar Land, TX                   Phone: (832) 746-5905
             Phone: (202) 423-6153             Phone: (832) 746-5905            E-mail: sgamd@sgamd .com
             E-mail: lipmana@georgetown .edu   E-mail: sgamd@sgamd .com
                                                                               (Please see our complete listing under the
            (Please see our resume on page 165 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
            details.)                        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Forensic Psychiatry)
                                             Forensic Psychiatry)
            Dr. Kenneth Manges                                                 Sanford I. Finkel, M.D.
             Dr. Kenneth Manges &                                               Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
             Associates, Inc.                    DECISION/DECISION              University of Chicago Medical
             Cincinnati , OH                            MAKING                  School
             Phone: (513) 784 1333                                              Wilmette, IL
             E-mail: manges@drmanges .com                                       Phone: (312) 263-0139
                                             Dr. Lawrence Amsel                 Cell: (847) 977-5044
            (Please see our resume on page 167 for further   Columbia University  E-mail: [email protected],
            details.)                                                           sfinkel104@aol .com
                                               New York, NY
                                               Phone: (917) 576-8172           (Please see our resume on page 154 for further
                 CUSTODY ISSUES                E-mail: lamsel01@gmail .com     details.)
                                             (Please see our resume on page 140 for further   Joseph Allen Hirsch, PhD, PsyD
            Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine                                    New York, NY
             Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.                                          Phone: (888) 495-8210
                                                                                E-mail: josephhirsch1@icloud .com
             Cambridge, MA                             DELIRIUM
             Phone: (617) 492-8366                                             (Please see our resume on page 158 for further
             E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu                              details.)
                                             Sanford I. Finkel, M.D.
            (Please see our resume on page 146 for further                     Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN,
            details.)                          Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
                                               University of Chicago Medical   CPE
                                               School                           California Neurological
                 CYTOPATHOLOGY                 Wilmette, IL                     Specialists, Inc.
                                               Phone: (312) 263-0139            Thousand Oaks, CA
                                               Cell: (847) 977-5044             Phone: (818) 590-6436
            Medilex, Inc.                      E-mail: [email protected],   E-mail: drllabel@gmail .com
                                               sfinkel104@aol .com
             New York, NY
             Phone: (212) 234-1999                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
             Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX  (Please see our resume on page 154 for further   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com                                   Neurology)
            (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   Elliott M. Stein, M.D., Geriatric   Elliott M. Stein, M.D., Geriatric
            details.)                        Psychiatry                        Psychiatry
                                               Mill Valley, CA                  Mill Valley, CA                   MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                               Phone: (415) 672-9352            Phone: (415) 672-9352
                DANGEROUSNESS/                 E-mail: geripsych@aol .com       E-mail: geripsych@aol .com
             CRIMINAL ASSESSMENT             (Please see our resume on page 176 for further   (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
                                             details.)                         details.)
            Dr. Kenneth Manges
             Dr. Kenneth Manges &                                                         DENTAL
             Associates, Inc.                                                       ANESTHESIOLOGY
             Cincinnati , OH
             Phone: (513) 784 1333
             E-mail: manges@drmanges .com
                                                                               Jay S. Grossman DDS
            (Please see our resume on page 167 for further                      The Dental Expert
            details.)                                                           Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                Phone: (310) 820-0123
                                                                                E-mail: jaygrossmandds@gmail .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 157 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              41
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