Page 57 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                      Diagnostic Imaging

            Marc Serota, MD                        DEVELOPMENTAL
             Board Certified in                DISABILITY -- SEE ALSO
             Pediatrics, Allergy/               SCHOOLS/EDUCATION:
             Asthma/Immunology                     DEVELOPMENTAL
             and Dermatology                          DISABILITY               Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH,
             MJ Medical Consulting                                             FCCWS
             PLLC                                                               Wound Care
             447 Rose Lane                   Craig H. Collison, MD              Consultants
             Rockville Centre, NY 11570        Madisonburg, PA                  9720 COIT RD, STE 220 PMB
             Phone: (816) 679-2211             Phone: (814) 933-2450            197
             E-mail: mj .serota@gmail .com     E-mail: ccollison32@gmail .com   Plano, TX 75025
                                                                                Phone: (214) 265-9408
             Degrees/Licenses: Board Certified in   (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: jstone@wound .com
             Pediatrics, Allergy/Asthma/Immunology and   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Web: http://www .wound .com
             Dermatology; State Licenses: AL, AR, AZ, CA,   Pediatrics)
             CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY,                    Profile: Dr. Stone’s field of practice is
             LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH,   Brian E. Woodruff, M.D.  Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine . A
             NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD,   East Grand Rapids, MI    past president of the Texas Affiliate of the
             TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY    Phone: (734) 347-6579 .          American Diabetes Association, Dr . Stone
                                               E-mail: dr .woodruff@gmail .com  received his medical degree from the College
             Profile: Dr . Serota has the unique distinction                    of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific and
             of being triple board certified in dermatology,   (Please see our resume on page 182 for further   a Master of Public Health from Harvard
             allergy/asthma/immunology and pediatrics   details.)               University . He completed a residency in
             requiring 8 years of training following medical                    aerospace medicine and a fellowship in
             school . He is considered a national expert in                     hyperbaric medicine and wound care at
             the fields of dermatology and allergy/asthma/                      the U .S . Air Force School of Aerospace
             immunology . He lectures nationally and has   DIABETIC WOUND CARE  Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base . Dr .
             published numerous peer reviewed articles,                         Stone started his medical practice in Dallas
             textbook chapters and reference articles in                        in 1992 after serving our country for twelve
             these areas . He has served as an expert   Joseph L. Byrne, MD, FACS  years in the Army . He left as a Major . He was
             witness on cases ranging from asthma,   Rochester, NY              credited with developing the U .S, Army’s
             allergies, occupational issues/exposures, mold   Phone: (315) 345-7563  Hyperbaric Medicine Program. He is certified
             exposures, food allergy, anaphylaxis, rashes,   E-mail: byrnejoseph16@gmail .com  in Hyperbaric Medicine and board certified
             dermatology procedure related injuries, skin                       in Aerospace Medicine . He is a Diplomat
             cancer/missed skin cancer, abuse related   (Please see our complete listing under the   and Fellow of the American Academy of
             injuries, Stevens Johnson Syndrome/Toxic   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Wound Care Management, and a Certified
             Epidermal Necrolysis, scabies . He has been   Vascular Surgery)    Wound Specialist . He has published articles
             approved as a medical expert in both state                         on hyperbaric oxygenation, decompression
             and federal courts including a federal court   Laurence Zachary Cane  sickness, the diabetic foot and wound care .
             finding for summary judgement in a landmark                        His most recent peer reviewed article was in
             case citing his medical expert report primarily .    Caromont Health  November 2019 . He has served as hyperbaric
                                               Gastonia, NC                     consultant to the Department of Veterans
             He graduated medical school at the age of   Phone: (336) 817-4648  Affairs Medical Center, Dallas, Texas;
             23 . He is licensed to practice medicine in 25   E-mail: crmedconsulting@yahoo .com  Poison Control Center of North Dallas and
             states: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA,                        Department of Health and Human Services
             HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS,   (Please see our complete listing under the   Office of General: Office of Evaluation and
             MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK,   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Inspections . Dr . Stone is also available for
             OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI,   Podiatry)            peer reviews, legal reviews, and medical
             WV, WY . He is willing to travel as necessary .                    malpractice reviews . Dr . Stone is the Past
                                                                                Medical and Fellowship Director for the
            (Please see our resume on page 172 for further                      Hyperbaric Medicine Unit at the Institute for
            details.)                                                           Exercise and Environmental Medicine at
                                                                                Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas . He is one of
                                                                                the first 60 physicians in the U.S.A. to receive
                                                                                his certification in Wound Care. He has been
               DERMATOPATHOLOGY                                                 active in hyperbaric medicine since 1985 and  MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                                                                has trained many physicians in the field. He
                                                                                has over thirty-seven years of experience in
            Medilex, Inc.                                                       wound care and hyperbaric medicine .
             New York, NY
             Phone: (212) 234-1999                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
             Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX                                   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com                                   Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)
            (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
            details.)                                                             DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING

                                                                               Daniel Cousin, MD
                                                                                Board-Certified Radiologist
                                                                                Weston, FL
                                                                                Cell: (646) 303-3125
                                                                                E-mail: cousin@post .harvard .edu,
                                                                                DrDanCuz@gmail .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 151 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              45
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