Page 73 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                           Group Homes

            Elliott M. Stein, M.D.,                   GERIATRICS                     GLAUCOMA/EYE
            Geriatric Psychiatry                                                        DISEASES
             535 Midvale Way
             Mill Valley, CA 94941           Michael D. Leibowitz, M.D., C.M.D.
             Phone: (415) 672-9352             Advanced Pain Medicine &        Andrew F. Calman MD PhD
             E-mail: geripsych@aol .com        Rehabilitation, P.C.             Premier Eyecare of San Francisco
             Web: http://www .elliottsteinmd .  Roslyn Heights, NY
             com                                                                Ophthalmology Expert Witness
                                               Phone: (516) 662-7756            San Francisco, CA
                                               E-mail: MLeibowitzMD@gmail .com
             Degrees/Licenses: M.D. Board Certified in                          Phone: (650) 270-9683
             General Psychiatry and in Geriatric Psychiatry .   (Please see our complete listing under the   Alt . Phone: (415) 648-3600
             Licensed to practice Medicine in California   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   E-mail: acalmanmd@gmail .com
             and Florida . Clinical Professor, Department   Physical Medicine)
             of Psychiatry, University of California San                       (Please see our resume on page 147 for further
             Francisco . Distinguished Life Fellow of the                      details.)
             American Psychiatric Association . Recipient of   Daniel E. Buffington, PharmD, MBA
             multiple honors in Geriatric Psychiatry .  Clinical Pharmacology Services   Carolyn R. Carman, OD, FAAO
                                               & Am Institute of Pharmaceutical   Clinical Professor
             Profile: Legal and forensic consultation,   Sciences               Dallas/Texas/Nationwide, TX
             record review, and assessments concerning                          Phone: (817) 925-3509
             psychiatric issues in older individuals,   Clinical Pharmacology Services,
             including issues of competency, family   Inc.                      E-mail: [email protected]
             conflicts, testamentary capacity, undue   Tampa, FL
             influence, contested wills and trusts, memory   Phone: (813) 983-1500  (Please see our resume on page 148 for further
             disorders, emotional disorders, dementia,   Cell: (813) 679-0792
             Alzheimer’s Disease, delirium, Medicare and   E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@
             other psychiatric and aging related issues   cpshealth .com       Richard S. Casden, M.D. F.A.A.O.
             including psychotherapy, medications,                              Ophthalmologist
             hospitals, nursing homes, independent and   (Please see our resume on page 145 for further   Refocus Eye
             assisted living facilities .    details.)
                                                                                Health of CT
             In clinical practice of Geriatric Psychiatry since   Robert James Hill, M.D.,C.P.E.,   Danbury, CT
             1977, specializing in the treatment of older                       Phone: (203) 794-0494
             adults including the evaluation and treatment   M.M.M., Consulting  E-mail: rcacuityeye@snet .net
             of depression, anxiety, stress disorders,   Kalamazoo, MI
             relationship problems, insomnia, memory   Phone: (269) 873-6384   (Please see our resume on page 150 for further
             problems and other mental and emotional   E-mail: robert .j .hill .091660@gmail .com  details.)
             problems which occur in the second half of life .
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
             Co-Author of a book chapter on Capacity, in   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   GRIEF AND LOSS
             the textbook Geriatric Medicine: A Person-  Emergency Medicine)
             Centered Evidence-Based Approach, 5th                                     COUNSELING
             edition, published by Springer Press . Author   Dr. Steven D. Kamajian, D.O.,
             of “Does Your Client Have Testamentary   C.M.D, F.A.C.O.F.P.
             Capacity? Mental Health and Memory Issues                         Dr. Lawrence Amsel
             That Affect Estate Planning”, published in   Montrose, CA          Columbia University
             California Trusts and Estates Quarterly, Vol .   Phone: (805) 807-0616 - Office  New York, NY
             17, No . 2,  pages 25-33, Summer 2011 .   Cell: (818) 957-2007     Phone: (917) 576-8172
                                               E-mail: drstevenkamajian@gmail .com,   E-mail: lamsel01@gmail .com
             Distinguished Life Fellow of the American   dosteven@msn .com
             Psychiatric Association .
             Distinguished Fellow of the American   (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 140 for further
             Association for Geriatric Psychiatry   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
              Recipient of multiple awards and honors in   Medical Chart Review)
             Geriatric Psychiatry .
                                             Medilex, Inc.                            GROUP HOMES
             Areas of Expertise:               New York, NY                                                       MEDICAL EXPERTS
             * Geriatric Psychiatry evaluation and   Phone: (212) 234-1999
             treatment, including pharmacologic and   Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX  Kenneth E. DiNella, M.D.
             psychotherapeutic issues          E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com  Americus, GA
             * Depression and Anxiety Disorders in the                          Phone: (229) 942-3075
             Aged                            (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .com
             * Contested Wills and Trusts    details.)
             * Testamentary Capacity, including Undue                          blank  Americus, GA
             Influence and Insane Delusions   Elliott M. Stein, M.D., Geriatric   Phone: (229) 942-3075
             * Geriatric Competence                                             E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .com
             * Dementia and Delirium, including   Psychiatry
             Alzheimer’s Disease               Mill Valley, CA
             * Aging and Mental Disorders      Phone: (415) 672-9352           (Please see our resume on page 153 for further
             * Geriatric Psychiatric related issues   E-mail: geripsych@aol .com
             concerning hospitals, nursing homes,
             independent and assisted living facilities .   (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
             * Medicare Psychiatric Services Coding and   details.)
             Documentation .
            (Please see our resume on page 176 for further

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