Page 75 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                        Health Insurance
            Brian E. Woodruff, M.D.          Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH,
             East Grand Rapids, MI           FAAN, FACOEM                             HEALTH CARE
             Phone: (734) 347-6579 .           Neurology and Electromyography
             E-mail: dr .woodruff@gmail .com                                        ADMINISTRATION
            (Please see our resume on page 182 for further   Occupational and Environmental
            details.)                          Medicine                        Vipul Kella, MD MBA FACEP
                                               San Francisco Bay Area           Medlegal Advisors
                   HEAD TRAUMA                 Locations, Sacramento and        Washington, D .C
                                                                                Phone: (248) 703-7998
                                               Arcata/Eureka, CA                E-mail: drkella@medlegaladvisors .com
                                               California Qualified Medical
            Michael D. Leibowitz, M.D., C.M.D.  Examiner                       (Please see our resume on page 160 for further
             Advanced Pain Medicine &          Mill Valley, CA                 details.)
             Rehabilitation, P.C.              Phone: (415) 606-1465
                                               E-mail: jsrutch@neoma .com
             Roslyn Heights, NY                                                  HEALTH CARE FINANCE
             Phone: (516) 662-7756           (Please see our complete listing under the
             E-mail: MLeibowitzMD@gmail .com
                                             following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                             Neurology)                        Adam Block
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Michael J. Sise, MD, FACS  Charm Economics
            Physical Medicine)                                                  Port Washington, NY
                                               San Diego, CA                    Phone: (917) 209 6553
            Yolanda Anderson, RN, BSN, CEN,    Phone: (619) 298 3100            E-mail: adam@charmeconomics .com
                                               E-mail: mjsise@mercyvascular .com
            CPEN, CLNC
             Colorado Care Consultants       (Please see our resume on page 173 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                               following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             Lakewood, CO                    details.)                         Affordable Care Act)
             Phone: (720) 308-7880
             E-mail: coloradocareconsultants@yahoo .com
            (Please see our resume on page 141 for further                            HEALTH CARE
            details.)                                                                 MANAGEMENT
                                             Michelle M. Boudreau, D.O.
            Kelly K. Campbell, RN BSN CP LNC   Adult Neurology
            CLCP                               Glastonbury, CT                 Vipul Kella, MD MBA FACEP
             Cardinal Lifecare Consulting      Phone: (860) 541-0571            Medlegal Advisors
             Pittsburgh, PA                    E-mail: MichelleM .Boudreau@yahoo .com  Washington, D .C
             Phone: (724) 487-0519                                              Phone: (248) 703-7998
             E-mail: kelly@cardinallifecare .com  (Please see our resume on page 144 for further   E-mail: drkella@medlegaladvisors .com
            (Please see our complete listing under the                         (Please see our resume on page 160 for further
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Life   Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN,   details.)
            Care Planning (Medical & Health))
            Dr. Larry Fishman MD               California Neurological             HEALTH INSURANCE
             Neurosurgeon                      Specialists, Inc.
             Tampa, FL                         Thousand Oaks, CA
                                               Phone: (818) 590-6436
             Phone: (813) 598-3474                                             Adam Block
             E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: drllabel@gmail .com  Charm Economics
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the   Port Washington, NY
            (Please see our complete listing under the                          Phone: (917) 209 6553
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   E-mail: adam@charmeconomics .com
            Neurosurgery)                    Neurology)
            Glenn W. Knox, MD, JD, FACS,     Brian E. Woodruff, M.D.           (Please see our complete listing under the   MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                                                               following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
            FACHE                              East Grand Rapids, MI           Affordable Care Act)
                                               Phone: (734) 347-6579 .
             Nitinetics LLC                    E-mail: dr .woodruff@gmail .com
             Jacksonville, FL
             Phone: (904) 568-6516           (Please see our resume on page 182 for further
             E-mail: glenn .knox .md@gmail .com  details.)
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              63
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