Page 97 - ALMExperts 2024 National Medical Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: National Medical Edition 2024                                              Neurology

            Abhi Kapuria MD                  Lorne S. Label, MD,               Jonathan S. Rutchik,
             Neurology Legal                 MBA, FAAN, CPE                    MD, MPH, FAAN,
             Consulting INC                    California Neurological         FACOEM
             Winston-Salem, NC 27103           Specialists, Inc.                Neurology and
             Phone: (571) 249 6403             1977 Millville Court             Electromyography
             E-mail: abhi .kapuria@            Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
             neurolegalconsulting .com         Phone: (818) 590-6436            Neurotoxicology
             Web: http://www .neurolegalconsulting .com  Fax: (805) 241-0014    Occupational and Environmental
                                               E-mail: drllabel@gmail .com      Medicine
             Degrees/Licenses: MD, Board Certified   Web: http://www .cns-neurology .com  San Francisco Bay Area
             in Neurology and Clinical Neurphysiology,
             Licensed in 33 States             Degrees/Licenses: MD, MBA, Medical   Locations, Sacramento and
                                               License                          Arcata/Eureka, CA
             Profile: Dr. Kapuria: Your Trusted Partner                         California Qualified Medical
             in Neurological Care & Legal Expertise   Profile: Dr. Label is a Board Certified   Examiner
                                               Neurologist who has extensive training in the
             Clinically active, published, and double-  treatment of all neurological diseases of adults   35 Miller Avenue, Suite 331
             board certified in Neurology, Dr. Kapuria   and children. The field deals with brain, spinal   Mill Valley, CA 94941
             is a leading expert ready to serve you. He   cord, nerve and muscle disorders .   Phone: (415) 606-1465
             leverages his extensive experience, honed                          Fax: (415) 381-3131
             through residency and fellowship training   Dr . Label has been recognized by courts as   E-mail: jsrutch@neoma .com
             at Duke University, to address a wide range   having education, experience, training and   Web: http://www .neoma .com
             of neurological conditions, including stroke,   knowledge to assist in rendering an opinion
             traumatic brain injury, seizures, epilepsy,   regarding Neurology and Acupuncture . His   Degrees/Licenses: Licensed in CA, NY, MA,
             vascular neurology, spinal cord disorders,   ability is in explaining complicated methods   ID and NM .
             surgical complications, and disorders of the   and procedures, technical medical matters
             nervous system .                  and data, as well as interpreting and rendering   Profile: Dr . Rutchik is one of very few
                                               opinions about a certain set of facts to the   physicians in the United States board certified
             Beyond patient care, Dr. Kapuria offers   court .                  both in Neurology and Occupational and
             invaluable expertise in legal matters. As                          Environmental Medicine .  He is also an
             co-founder of Neurology Legal Consulting   Dr . Label’s specialties include the neurological   associate professor of Medicine at UCSF and
             Inc., he applies his knowledge and proficiency   field (adult and child), with particular attention   a California State Qualified Medical Examiner.
             in advanced diagnostic techniques to provide   to trauma causing brain, muscle, nerve,   He is a Fellow of both the American Academy
             evidence-based reporting on topics like   or spinal disorder; head trauma, seizure,   of Neurology (AAN) and the American College
             causation, liability, damages, prognosis, and   encephalitis, behavioral disorders, dementia,   of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
             standards of care .               neuromuscular abnormalities, carpal tunnel   (ACOEM) .  He provides clinical evaluations
                                               syndrome, medical malpractice, medical   and treatment, including electromyography,
             * Reviewing medical records: Offering   acupuncture, and tests of higher cerebral   of individuals and populations with suspected
             comprehensive analysis of complex medical   function including EEG, Evoked Responses,   neurological illness secondary to workplace
             data to identify relevant information and   and EMG .              injuries or chemical exposure; neurological
             potential discrepancies .                                          trauma, and neurological fitness for duty in
                                                Dr . Label is available for Medical Review and   safety sensitive populations .
             * Providing expert opinions: Delivering   Testimony, Medical Malpractice Cases, and
             clear, concise, and evidence-based medical   Insurance Questions Regarding Neurological    Additional Areas of Expertise: Solvent
             opinions tailored to specific legal needs.   Issues .  He provides litigation support to   Neurotoxicity, Metal Neurotoxicity,
                                               attorneys in the field of neurology, including   Environmental Neurotoxicity
             * Explaining complex medical concepts:   medical record review, IMEs, and expert
             Translating intricate medical terminology into   testimony if necessary . His work has been   Other services include Neurological
             clear and understandable language for legal   with both plaintiff and defense sides .  Fitness For Duty, independent medical
             teams and juries .                                                 examinations, medical record review,
                                             Medilex, Inc.                      utilization review and consulting
             * Supporting courtroom presentations:                              to industrial, legal, government,
             Offering consultation and guidance on   New York, NY               pharmaceutical and academic institutions
             effectively presenting medical information in   Phone: (212) 234-1999  equally for plaintiff and defense matters.
             court .                           Toll Free Phone: (888) MED-ILEX  Dr . Rutchik is licensed in CA, NY, MA, NM
                                               E-mail: michael@medilexinc .com  and ID .
             * Preparing reports and affidavits:                                                                  MEDICAL EXPERTS
             Contributing comprehensive and accurate   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further   He has offices in the SF Bay area:
             medico-legal reports on causation, liability,   details.)          San Francisco, Petaluma and Richmond,
             damages, prognosis, and standards of care .                        Sacramento and Arcata/ Eureka, California .

                                                                               Brian E. Woodruff, M.D.
             Dr. Kapuria understands the challenges                             East Grand Rapids, MI
             lawyers face in navigating medical                                 Phone: (734) 347-6579 .
             complexities. He is dedicated to providing                         E-mail: dr .woodruff@gmail .com
             thorough and reliable support, helping legal
             professionals make informed decisions and                         (Please see our resume on page 182 for further
             build strong cases .                                              details.)

             Contact Dr. Kapuria today for a
             consultation. We can discuss your specific
             needs and how his expertise can benefit your
             legal strategy .

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              85
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