Page 105 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024                                      NON-MEDICAL RESUMES

                  AGOSTI   FIRE   INVESTIGATIONS                                 Fire Related Analysis and Expert Testimony

                      Inves�ga�on • Consulta�on • Case review • Li�ga�on Support • Expert Witness Tes�mony
                           John Agos� — Principal Expert: John has more than 28 years in the fire service and has conducted over 2000 fire
                                                Office Manager, Agosti Fire Investigations
                           related inves�ga�ons as a private fire cause and origin inves�gator. John is experienced in fire origin and cause
                  Ann Freund
                           determina�on, civil and criminal arson defense, arson prosecu�on, product cases, fire and building code, life
                           safety and smoke detectors, fire department opera�ons/ procedures, civilian and firefighter injuries and fatali�es.
                           He has provided loss reviews, fire inves�ga�ons, technical exper�se, and li�ga�on support for numerous major
                  Office Manager
                           insurance carriers and a�orneys throughout the U.S. John has tes�fied in state and federal courts for plain�ff and
                           defense clients, in both criminal and civil ma�ers. Qualifica�ons include: A.S.S. in Fire Science, Cer�fied Fire
                                          Case Experience:
                           Inves�gator (IAAI), Cer�fied Fire & Explosion Inves�gator (CFEI), Cer�fied Vehicle Fire Inves�gator (CFVI) and
                           Cer�fied Fire and Arson Inves�gator (Na�onal Fire Academy & Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal).
                                          Ms. Freund assists in overseeing cases of multiple fire investigators
                            Michael  Agos�  —  Staff  Expert:  While  serving  as  a  professional  fire  analyst  and  staff  expert  for  Agos�  Fire
                                          working on projects relating to fire, arson, water damage, building
                            Inves�ga�ons  for  the  past  21  years,  Mr.  Agos�  has  conducted  over  1500  fire  and  explosion  fire  scene
                                          code violations and explosions; Ms. Freund provides hands-on experi-
                            inves�ga�ons.  These  include  fires  and  explosions  in  single  family  dwellings,  high  rise  structures,  commercial
                                          ence  and is highly motivated and focused on maintaining high stand-
                            structures, as well as vehicles and heavy equipment. His responsibili�es and experience as a fire analyst include
                            photography,  witness  interviewing,  report  wri�ng,  evidence  collec�on  and  deposi�on/trial  tes�mony.  He  has
                                          ards of quality, productivity, and attention to detail in support of com-
                            successfully managed large scale joint fire scene inspec�ons involving dozens of other par�es and experts. Mr.   NON-MEDICAL RESUMES
                                          pany functions as well as communicating with empathy, in regards to
                            Agos� also has extensive experience in the public sector as a municipal firefighter. Since re�red and having served
                                          the devastation of our insured’s needs. Ms. Freund has developed sol-
                            25 years within that sector, he has conducted criminal arson inves�ga�ons that have led to successful criminal
                            charges. Mr. Agos� has experience and knowledge beyond fire and explosion analysis, to include fire department
                                          id partnerships with staff, attorneys, insurance companies, law en-
                            opera�ons in all aspects, including technical rescue, hazardous materials and emergency medical. He is also proud
                                          forcement and other municipalities to better serve our industry profes-
                            to have served in the United States Marine Corps, where he gained invaluable, worldwide experience in leadership
                            and work ethics and was honorably discharged.
                24/7 Phone: 847-682-6793
                            Sco�  Schmauderer — Staff  Expert: While serving as a professional fire analyst and staff expert for Agosti &
                [email protected]
                            Associates since 2019, Mr. Schmauderer has conducted multiple fire scene investiga�ons. These include fires in
                            single family dwellings, high rise structures, multi-family structures, as well as vehicles. His responsibilities and
             Professional Summary:
                            experience as a fire analyst include photography, witness interviewing, report writing and evidence collection. Not
                            only does Mr. Schmauderer work in the private sector, but for the past 21 years has served as a
                                          Ms. Freund has 25 years of business management experience to in-
                            firefighter/paramedic  and  a  certified  fire  investigator for the Streamwood, Illinois Fire Department. Mr.
                                          clude; ensuring profitability and developing strong long-term relation-
                            Schmauderer  has  experience  and  knowledge  beyond  fire  and  explosion  analysis,  to  include  fire  department
                                          ships; history of excellence in interpersonal communication and net-
                            operations in all aspects, including hazardous materials and emergency medical.
                                          work development;.
                            Johnny Agos� — Staff Expert: Mr. Agos� is a professional fire analyst and staff expert with Agos� & Associates. He
                            has conducted hundreds of fire and explosion fire scene inves�ga�ons. These include fires and explosions in
                            single-family dwellings, high-rise structures, commercial structures, as well as vehicles and heavy equipment. His
                            responsibili�es and experience as a fire analyst include photography, witness interviewing, report wri�ng, and
                            evidence collec�on. Mr. Agos� also serves as a firefighter/EMT for the An�och, Illinois Fire Department. Mr. Agos�
                            has experience and knowledge beyond fire and explosion analysis, to include fire department opera�ons, including
                                          Associates Degree in Business
                            hazardous materials and emergency medical.
                            Ronald Swidler — Staff Expert: Mr. Swidler is a professional fire analyst and staff expert with Agos� & Associates.
                            He has conducted numerous fire and explosion fire scene inves�ga�ons. These include fires and explosions in
                                          Community Projects:
                            single-family dwellings, high-rise structures, commercial structures, as well as vehicles and heavy equipment. His
                            responsibili�es and experience as a fire analyst include photography, witness interviewing, report wri�ng, and
                                          Ms. Freund has also been active in numerous community projects, in-
                            evidence collec�on. Mr. Swidler brings with him a wide variety of knowledge from the public sector. He has been
                                          cluding Christmas Clearing House, raising money for families in need,
                            involved in numerous public sector fire and explosion inves�ga�ons, including single and mul�-family dwellings,
                                          sponsored by the Woodstock Rotary Club; Snowball, a drug and alco-
                            commercial structures, and vehicle fires. Along with working in the private sector, Mr. Swidler has and con�nues
                            to work in the public sector. He currently serves as a Firefighter/Paramedic for the last 17 years as well as a Fire
                                          hol abuse prevention program organized by School District #200; and
                            Inves�gator since 2019 in the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protec�on District in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Mr. Swidler
                                          named Vice President of the Dean Street School, District #200 PTO.
                            has  experience  and  knowledge  beyond  fire  and  explosion  analysis,  to  include  fire  department  opera�ons,
                            hazardous materials, emergency medicine, as well as ac�ve shooter and rescue task force opera�ons.
                            Ann Freund — Office Manager: Ms. Freund assists in overseeing cases of mul�ple fire inves�gators working on
                            projects  rela�ng  to  fire,  arson,  water  damage,  building  code  viola�ons  and  explosions;  Ms.  Freund  provides

                            hands-on experience and is highly mo�vated and focused on maintaining high standards of quality, produc�vity,
                            and a�en�on to detail in support of company func�ons as well as communica�ng with empathy, in regards to the
                            devasta�on of our insured’s needs. Ms. Freund has developed solid partnerships with staff, a�orneys, insurance

                            companies, law enforcement and other municipali�es to be�er serve our industry professionals.
                                                  CV’s available upon request
                               24/7 phone 847-682-6793  •  [email protected]  •
                                         Located in the Midwest & serving the U.S.

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              93
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