Page 54 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Jails                                                           ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024

                    JAILS                     LABOR ECONOMICS                     LEGAL ETHICS

        Donald L. Leach II                Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.             Leonard Gross, JD
         Donald L. Leach II &              President                         Professor of Law
         Associates, Ltd.                  Smith Economics Group, Ltd.       Emeritus
         2130 Wasatch Blvd                 Chicago, IL                       Southern Illinois
         Sandy, UT 84092                   Phone: (312) 943-1551             University School of
         Phone: (859) 552-4286             E-mail: stan@smitheconomics .com
         Fax: (859) 271-0556                                                 Law
         E-mail: donald .leach@me .com    (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   Southern Illinois University of Law
                                          details.)                          Lesar Law Building
         Profile: * Retired Administrative Officer,                          Carbondale, IL 62901-6804
         Senior (Deputy Director) Division of                                Phone: (561) 235-2237
         Community Corrections, Lexington, Kentucky   LAND USE PLANNING      E-mail: lgross@siu .edu
         * Former Marine                                                     Web: http://www .leonardgrosslaw .com
         * BGS in Social and Political Theory, MA work
         in Theory of Geography, Ph .D . (unaccredited)                      Profile: Retired Law Professor; expert witness
         in Public Administration         Kenneth J. Stoyack                 in 35 cases over 25 years involving legal
         * Over 26 years in local detention   Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP    ethics. Previous testimony: Testified for both
         * 30 years as a jail management consultant   Nutley, NJ             plaintiffs and defendants in legal malpractice
         and trainer                       Phone: (973) 661-2708             and breach of fiduciary duty cases involving
         * 8 years expert witness services   E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com         issues of lawyers’ professional ethics . Have
         * Experience in jail management; use of force,                      also given expert opinions on the fairness of
         in-custody death, security/operations, medical   (Please see our resume on page 113 for further   settlements in class actions .  Specializes in
         and mental health services, classification,   details.)             conflicts of interest.
         contract management for privatized services
         (food, medical, mental health), management                          Professional experience: Professor, Southern
         information systems, strip search, gang and                         Illinois University School of Law, Legal Ethics,
         STG                                  LANDLORD/TENANT                Corporations, Agency and Partnership and
         * Faculty, Course Director and Editorial   DISPUTES                 Remedies; Visiting Professor, Washington
         Board Member Americans for Effective Law                            University School of Law, St . Louis University
         Enforcement                                                         School of Law, Seton Hall University School of
         * Board Member, Institute for the Prevention of   Robert W. Berliner, Jr.  Law, University of San Diego School of Law;
         In-custody Deaths                                                   corporate litigator, Shearman and Sterling,
         * Former Board Member American Jail   Berliner Group LLC            N .Y .C .
         Association                       Chicago, IL
                                           Phone: (312) 482-8100             Bar Admissions: Illinois, New York,
                                           E-mail: rberliner@berlinergroup .com  Massachusetts
           LABELS & WARNINGS              (Please see our complete listing under the   Alan Kravets, Esq.
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Chicago, IL
                                          Real Estate Law)
        Christopher E. Janson, MS, CSP,                                      Phone: (312) 320-3264
                                                                             E-mail: Alan@kravets .net
         Haines, Janson & Associates,         LAW ENFORCEMENT              (Please see our complete listing under the
         LLC                                        TACTICS                following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         St . Louis, MO                                                    Real Estate Brokerage)
         Phone: (314) 845-3516
         E-mail: chris@hainesjanson .com  Spencer Fomby                             LEGAL FEES
        (Please see our resume on page 102 for further   Law Enforcement Tactical
        details.)                          Consultants
                                           Austin, TX                      Leonard Gross, JD
        Michael D. Senneff                 Phone: (916) 595-0560             Professor of Law Emeritus
         Consultant                        E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net    Southern Illinois University
         Product Safety Help LLC          (Please see our resume on page 99 for further   School of Law
         Ankeny, IA                       details.)                          Carbondale, IL
         Phone: (563) 508-8322                                               Phone: (561) 235-2237
         E-mail: MikeSenneff@ProductSafetyHelp .com                          E-mail: lgross@siu .edu
                                              LAW ENFORCEMENT
        (Please see our resume on page 111 for further                     (Please see our complete listing under the
        details.)                                  TRAINING                following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                                                           Legal Ethics)
                                          Spencer Fomby
                                           Law Enforcement Tactical
                                           Austin, TX
                                           Phone: (916) 595-0560
                                           E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net

                                          (Please see our resume on page 99 for further

        42                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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