Page 58 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Nuclear Systems ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Consultant SECURITY
Product Safety Help
David M. Manuta, Ph.D., FAIC LLC
President 2118 NW Applewood St . Interhack Corp.
Manuta Chemical Consulting, Inc. Ankeny, IA 50023 C. Matthew Curtin
Waverly, OH Phone: (563) 508-8322 Founder
Phone: (740) 947-7998 E-mail: MikeSenneff@ProductSafetyHelp .com Columbus, OH
E-mail: dmanuta@dmanuta .com Web: http://www .ProductSafetyHelp .com Phone: (614) 545-4225
E-mail: re@interhack .com
(Please see our resume on page 105 for further Degrees/Licenses: AAS - Electronic
details.) Technology; BS - General Engineering; MS (Please see our resume on page 101 for further
- Industrial Management; MS - Hazardous details.)
Waste Management; NAFI Certification as
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Fire and Explosion Investigator
& SAFETY Profile: Mike Senneff has over 35 years OSHA
of engineering experience with Deere &
Company where he applied product safety
Christopher E. Janson, MS, CSP, and standards compliance practices to a Dennis W. Eckstine
CHMM variety of off-road machinery types . He Matthew Eckstine
Haines, Janson & Associates, has deep expertise in conducting accident Eckstine & Associates, Inc.
investigations, carrying out safety risk
LLC assessments, evaluating machinery for Waynesboro, PA
St . Louis, MO compliance to relevant and applicable safety Phone: (717) 762-1555
Phone: (314) 845-3516 standards and regulations, and development E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
E-mail: chris@hainesjanson .com of effective warnings and instructions for me .com
machinery. He holds a national certification
(Please see our resume on page 102 for further as a fire and explosion origin and cause (Please see our resume on page 97 for further
details.) investigator and is well experienced in details.)
conducting machinery fire investigations. He
Dr. James C. Norris has extensive experience in preparation of Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,
Expert Witness in Toxicology and expert disclosures, and in deposition and trial CHST
testimony .
Pharmacology SafeWit.Inc.
Benton, AR (Please see our resume on page 111 for further Orland Park, IL
Phone: (815) 955-5838 details.) Phone: (312) 254-6553
E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net
(Please see our resume on page 106 for further OIL/PETROLEUM SPILLS (Please see our resume on page 104 for further
details.) details.)
Truck Accident & Incident
MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY Naples, FL R. Kevin Smith, P.E., D.F.E.
Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870 R. K. Smith Engineering Inc.
Cell: (931) 213-4398 Crown Point, IN
Dr. James C. Norris E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com Phone: (219) 226-9510
Expert Witness in Toxicology and blank Cell: Cell - (708) 790-1938
Pharmacology Randolph, NJ E-mail: rksinc@mac .com
Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
Benton, AR Cell: (931) 213-4398
Phone: (815) 955-5838 E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com (Please see our complete listing under the
E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
blank Forensic Engineering)
Sioux City, IA
(Please see our resume on page 106 for further Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
details.) Cell: (931) 213-4398
E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com OSHA CODES
VEHICLES Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870 Michael P. Lawler MS, CSP, ASP,
Cell: (931) 213-4398
E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com CHST
Dennis W. Eckstine blank Albuquerque, NM Orland Park, IL
Matthew Eckstine Phone: (844) 974-1870 Phone: (312) 254-6553
Eckstine & Associates, Inc. Cell: (931) 213-4398 E-mail: mlawler@safetyexpertwitness .net
Waynesboro, PA E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com (Please see our resume on page 104 for further
Phone: (717) 762-1555 (Please see our resume on page 114 for further details.)
E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@ details.)
me .com
(Please see our resume on page 97 for further
46 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness