Page 113 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025                                                   Site Planning
                                             Himad Beg, P.E.
            Craig L. Moskowitz, P.E.           Founder & Forensic Engineer         SITE ASSESSMENT/
             CLM Engineering                   Hub Engineering, PLLC                  DEVELOPMENT
             Associates, LLC                   New York, NY
             PO Box 4532                       Phone: (855) 482-3647
                                               E-mail: info@hubengineering .com
             Stamford, CT 06907                                                Frank Ferrantello
             Phone: (866) 432-4677           (Please see our resume on page 159 for further   Ferrantello Group P.C.
             Fax: (204) 504-8838             details.)                          New York, NY
             E-mail: clmprofessionalengineer@gmail .com                         Phone: (516) 248 2766
             Web: http://www .clmpe .com
                                             Frank Ferrantello                  E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com
             PO Box 394                        Ferrantello Group P.C.          (Please see our resume on page 168 for further
             Montvale, NJ 07645                New York, NY                    details.)
                                               Phone: (516) 248 2766
             Degrees/Licenses: BS in Civil Engineering   E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com  Princeton-Somerset Group, Inc.
             (University of Maine)
             MBA, concentration in International Finance   (Please see our resume on page 168 for further   Dennis M. Stainken, Ph.D.
             (University of Bridgeport)      details.)                          Hillsborough, NJ
             MS in Construction Administration (Columbia                        Phone: (908) 369-6890
             University)                     Kenneth J. Stoyack                 E-mail: Prinsomgrp@aol .com
                                               Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP
             Profile: CLM Engineering Associates,                              (Please see our resume on page 191 for further
             LLC, concentrates its focus on forensic   Nutley, NJ              details.)
             engineering/expert witness evaluations for   Phone: (973) 661-2708
             the insurance industry and legal community .    E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com
             Such evaluations include but are not limited to                        SITE INSPECTIONS
             construction defects and accidents, slips, trips   (Please see our resume on page 178 for further
             and falls, ADA/code compliance issues, OSHA   details.)
             non-compliance and storm event damage . We
             have experts to handle electrical engineering,                    Frank Ferrantello
             mechanical engineering maritime matters   SIGNATURE DISPUTES       Ferrantello Group P.C.
             and others . In addition, we offer construction                    New York, NY
             management, civil engineering, value                               Phone: (516) 248 2766
             engineering and building inspection services .   Access Forensic Group, LLC  E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com
             We have experience in being deposed and
             serving as trial consultants . Numerous cases   Richard T. Picciochi  (Please see our resume on page 168 for further
             have already settled/went to trial and we   Forensic Document Examiner  details.)
             maintain an active caseload of work . We have   Floral Park, NY
             advised numerous clients with respect to their   Phone: (516) 326-1122
             current and potential structural issues related   E-mail: rtp@accessforensicgroup .com  SITE PLANNING
             to the acquisition and disposition of real estate
             (both residential and commercial), performed   (Please see our resume on page 156 for further
             costs estimates/projections and have vast   details.)
             experience in performing quality assurance                        Frank Ferrantello
             inspections for high-rise apartment buildings                      Ferrantello Group P.C.
             and rental communities in both Connecticut                         New York, NY                      EXPERT CATEGORIES
             and New Jersey .                       SITE ANALYSIS               Phone: (516) 248 2766
                                                                                E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com
            (Please see our resume on page 174 for further
            details.)                        Jeffrey J. Beal                   (Please see our resume on page 168 for further
                                               President                       details.)
                                               Real Estate Solutions
                SIDEWALKS/OTHER                Rye Brook, NY                   Kenneth J. Stoyack
               WALKING SURFACES                Phone: (914) 690-0166            Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP
                                               E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com     Nutley, NJ
                                                                                Phone: (973) 661-2708
            C.J. Abraham,                    (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com
             P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
             FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC        Frank Ferrantello                 (Please see our resume on page 178 for further
             Scientific Advisory Services, LTD  Ferrantello Group P.C.
             Great Neck, NY                    New York, NY
             Phone: (516) 482-5374             Phone: (516) 248 2766
             Cell: (516) 974-7565              E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com
             E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com
                                             (Please see our resume on page 168 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 155 for further   details.)
            Rudi O. Sherbansky, P.E., F. NSPE
             ASPA Engineering LLC
             New Rochelle, NY
             Phone: (347) 635-5090
             E-mail: rsherbansky@aspagroup .com
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            Premises Liability)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              99
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