Page 116 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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Special Education                                                ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025

            SPECIAL EDUCATION              He continues to serve as an advocate,   SPECIAL NEEDS
                                           consultant to parents and schools and as
                                           an independent educational evaluator . He is
                                           serves as an expert on a national basis for
        Steve C. Imber, Ph.D.,             personal injury and other matters .   Steve C. Imber, Ph.D., LLC
        LLC                                                                  Psychoeducational Consultants
         Psychoeducational                 Dr . Imber has worked on cases with children,   President
                                           adolescents and adults with a broad array of
         Consultants                       disabilities .                    Fresh Meadows, NY
         President                                                           Phone: (516) 273-1961
         61-43 186th Street                Dr. Imber has also testified as an expert on   E-mail: scimber1@aol .com
         Fresh Meadows, NY 11365           matters concerning custody and parental   blank  Providence, RI
         Phone: (516) 273-1961             termination of rights . He continues to serve   Phone: (401) 421-4004
         Fax: (866) 379-2984               as an expert on matters of personal injury of   E-mail: scimber1@aol .com
         E-mail: scimber1@aol .com         children and adults . He has more recently
         Web: http://www .dr-imber .com    been involved in cases concerning wrongful
                                           death and school-based injuries within New   (Please see our complete listing under the
        blank                                                              following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         Sprout Building # 6               York State and other states . He is currently   Special Education)
         166 Valley Street                 involved in cases on sexual and physical
         Providence, RI 02909              assault involving students with disabilities .
         Phone: (401) 421-4004             Additionally, he has been involved in several
         Fax: (401) 233-0946               cases where a comparison of two school   SPECIAL PURPOSE
         E-mail: scimber1@aol .com         districts is required for  students with and   VALUATION
         Web: http://www .dr-imber .com    without special needs .

         Degrees/Licenses: * B .A . Psychology (SUNY   He has been involved in cases from the   Ronald G. Quintero, CPA, CFA,
         at Buffalo) graduated with High Honors in   following states: Alaska, Arizona, California,
         Psychology                        Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii,   ABV, CDBV, CFE, CFF, CIRA, CMA,
         * M .Ed . UCONN Department of Educational   Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey,   CTP
         Psychology (special education - learning   New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South   Chartered Capital Advisers, Inc.
         disabilities), Inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi   Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington
         Honor Society 1971                and West Virginia .               New York, NY
         * UCONN Department of Educational                                   Phone: (212) 327-0200
         Psychology, Ph . D . (special education -   Dr . Imber has been a presenter at many   Cell: (201) 220-9181
         emotional disorders) 1973         regional, national  and international   E-mail: q@charteredcapital .com
                                           conferences . He has published numerous
         Certifications:  Please note that professional   articles various issues pertaining to learning   (Please see our resume on page 163 for further
         certificates are current through August 31,   and emotional treatment of students with   details.)
         2024                              disabilities . He has special expertise with
         * Administrator of Special Education   regard to federal and state regulations on
         *  School Psychologist            special education including independent   SPEED/SKID ANALYSIS
         * All Grades, Students with Intellectual   educational evaluations, Office of Special
         Disabilities                      Education Program (OSEP) policy opinions
         * Mild/moderate Disabilities, Special   and case law on independent educational   Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         Education, Elementary to Middle Level, mild/  evaluations .
         moderate disabilities Grades K-8                                    Daniel Rapperport
         *  Mild/moderate Disabilities, Middle to   His CV is available upon request .  Lexington, MA
         Secondary Level                                                     Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                                                             Cell: (339) 222-2822
         Profile: Dr . Imber served as a Professor   SPECIAL EDUCATION       E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
         of Special Education from 1973 through   INTERVENTIONS
         2021 . He has completed his 48th year as a                        (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
         professor of Special Education at a nationally                    details.)
         accredited state institution of higher education
         which offers undergraduate degrees master’s   Steve C. Imber, Ph.D., LLC
         degrees as well as a doctoral degree in   Psychoeducational Consultants  SPORTING/EXERCISE
         Special Education .               President
         In June of 2024, Dr . Imber was awarded   Fresh Meadows, NY
         special honors at as Professor of Special   Phone: (516) 273-1961
                                           E-mail: scimber1@aol .com
         Education, Rhode Island College for more                          C.J. Abraham,
         than 45 years of service by President of   blank                    P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
         Rhode Island College, Dr . Jack Warner during   Providence, RI      FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
         a campus-based award ceremony .   Phone: (401) 421-4004
                                           E-mail: scimber1@aol .com         Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
         On July 23, 2024, Dr . Imber was awarded                            Great Neck, NY
         the status of Professor Emeritus  as a   (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (516) 482-5374
         distinguished professor in his field at Rhode   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Cell: (516) 974-7565
         Island College .                 Special Education)                 E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com

         His testimony has been given in federal                           (Please see our resume on page 155 for further
         court, special education due process                              details.)
         hearings, and in superior court for matters
         of criminal defense. He has also testified in
         matters pertaining to Family and Probate
         Court on behalf of children and adolescents
         with special needs in regard to matters of
         eligibility, evaluation, performance progress,
         individualized educational programs and
         placement .

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