Page 22 - ALMExperts 2025 National Accident Investigation/Reconstruction & Safety Directory
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Consumer Product Safety                            ALM EXPERTS: National Accident & Safety Edition 2025

           CONSUMER PRODUCT                 CONSUMER PRODUCTS-               CONSUMER PRODUCTS-
                   SAFETY                          BATTERIES                       ELECTRICAL

        Timothy A. Pine                   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         TAP International, LLC           MBA, CFEI, CFII                  MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Saint Johns, FL                   President & CEO                   President & CEO
         Phone: (904) 679-4443             Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         E-mail: [email protected]
                                           LLC                               LLC
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Lubbock, TX             Lubbock, TX
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (806) 368-9811  Phone: (806) 368-9811
        Toys)                              E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: [email protected]
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                   details.)                        details.)
         President & CEO
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   CONSUMER PRODUCTS-               CONSUMER PRODUCTS-
         LLC                                        BOILERS                        ELECTRONICS
         Lubbock, TX
         Phone: (806) 368-9811
         E-mail: [email protected]
                                          Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   MBA, CFEI, CFII    MBA, CFEI, CFII
        details.)                          President & CEO                   President & CEO
                                           Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                           LLC                               LLC
          CONSUMER PRODUCTS                Lubbock, TX                       Lubbock, TX
                                           Phone: (806) 368-9811             Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                           E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: [email protected]
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further
         President & CEO                  details.)                        details.)
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         LLC                                CONSUMER PRODUCTS-               CONSUMER PRODUCTS-
         Lubbock, TX
         Phone: (806) 368-9811                       CRIBS                    KITCHEN APPLIANCES
         E-mail: [email protected]
        (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        details.)                         MBA, CFEI, CFII                  MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                           President & CEO                   President & CEO
          CONSUMER PRODUCTS-               Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                APPLIANCES                 Lubbock, TX                       Lubbock, TX
                                           Phone: (806) 368-9811             Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                           E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: [email protected]
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   (Please see our resume on page 70 for further
         President & CEO                  details.)                        details.)
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         LLC                              CONSUMER PRODUCTS-E-               CONSUMER PRODUCTS-
         Lubbock, TX
         Phone: (806) 368-9811                    CIGARETTES                     PERSONAL CARE
         E-mail: [email protected]
        (Please see our resume on page 70 for further   David Zuckerbrod, PhD, CFEI, NAFI  Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        details.)                          Electrochemical Solutions LLC   MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                           Baltimore, MD                     President & CEO
                                           Phone: (443) 846-3846             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                           E-mail: [email protected]
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   Lubbock, TX
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                          Battery/Batteries Fires & Explosions)  E-mail: [email protected]
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 70 for further

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