Page 26 - ALMExperts 2025 National Accident Investigation/Reconstruction & Safety Directory
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Driver Fatigue                                     ALM EXPERTS: National Accident & Safety Edition 2025

              DRIVER FATIGUE              Fred W. Turek                      DRIVER PERFORMANCE/
                                           Ph.D.                                     BEHAVIOR
        Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.           2 Main Street, Suite 340
         Forensic Examination              Stoneham, MA 02180              Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
         351 Middleton Place               Phone: (781) 439 6325             Forensic Examination
         Chapel Hill, NC  27516            E-mail: [email protected]      Chapel Hill, NC
         Phone: (240) 447-9123             Web:  Phone: (240) 447-9123
         E-mail: mmitler@                  fatigue-expert-witness-testimony  E-mail: [email protected]
         Web:  Degrees/Licenses: Ph.D.    (Please see our resume on page 67 for further
         Degrees/Licenses: Clinical Sleep Medicine   Profile: Fred W. Turek, Ph.D., is a consultant
         1977 Sleep Medicine, Stanford University,   at Circadian Expert Services, and a professor   Larry Parker Jr., PhD
         Palo Alto.; Postdoctoral Training 1973 Sleep   at Northwestern where he chaired the
         Research, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford   Department of  Neurobiology & Physiology   P42 Consulting LLC
         University, Palo Alto.; Ph.D. 1970 Michigan   and was the founder/director of the Center   Tampa, FL
         State University, East Lansing [Developmental   for Sleep & Circadian Biology. He was   Phone: (813) 352-2380
         Psychology].; M.A. 1969 Michigan State   the founding president of the Society for   E-mail: larry.parker@parkerbusinessventures.
         University, East Lansing [Developmental   Research on Biological Rhythms and the   com
         Psychology].; B.A. 1967 University of   Editor of the Journal of Biological Rhythms.
         Wisconsin, Madison [Political Science and   His work has received numerous honors   (Please see our resume on page 69 for further
         Psychology].                      including the George Belenky Distinguished   details.)
                                           Lectureship Award from Washington State
         Profile: Dr. Merrill Mitler is a forensic   Sleep and Performance Research Center, the   Fred W. Turek
         examiner and expert in the physiology of sleep   Distinguished Scientist Award from the Sleep   Ph.D.
         and fatigue with over 20 years of experience   Research Society, and the Distinguished
         consulting on and testifying in more than   Service Award from the Society for Research   Circadian
         200 cases in which driver or worker fatigue   on Biological Rhythms. He has served on   Stoneham, MA
         was alleged to be a causal factor. He worked   the Board of the NIH National Center on   Phone: (781) 439 6325
         on such prominent cases as those arising   Sleep Disorders Research and the Board   E-mail: [email protected]
         from the Exxon Valdez grounding and the   of the National Sleep Foundation. Dr. Turek
         death of Libby Zion. Dr. Mitler has a Ph.D.   has published over 375 scientific papers and   (Please see our resume on page 72 for further
         in Psychology and Postdoctoral Certificate   reviews and has presented at international   details.)
         in Developmental Psychobiology of Sleep   conferences and workshops.
         and Traffic Accident Investigation and has
         practiced Psychology in New York and   Dr. Turek accepts both plaintiff and defense   DRIVER QUALIFICATIONS/
         California.                       expert witness work and provides confidential
                                           advice on strategies to minimize litigation risk   HOURS OF SERVICE
         Dr. Mitler served on the faculties of Stanford   and distinguish readily defensible from hard-
         University, The State University of New   to-defend claims. He advises on strategies to
         York Stony Brook, the Department of   cross-examine opposing counsel’s witnesses.   Evidence Solutions, Inc.
         Neuropharmacology at The Scripps Research   Circadian Expert Services’ experts have deep   Tucson, AZ
         Institute and the Department of Psychiatry   experience providing expert testimony in   Phone: (866) 795-7166
         at The University of California, San Diego.   the courtroom where they have an excellent   E-mail: clientservices@evidencesolutions.
         For 11 years, he was the Program Director   record of educating and engaging juries, so   com, [email protected]
         for Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research   they reach informed conclusions.
         at NIH’s National Institute for Neurological                      (Please see our resume on page 65 for further
         Diseases and Stroke. He holds the following   (Please see our resume on page 72 for further   details.)
         Board Certifications: American Board of   details.)
         Sleep Medicine, American Board of Forensic
         Examiners, American Board of Forensic                             Merrill M. Mitler, Ph.D.
         Medicine.                         DRIVER FATIGUE/HOURS-             Forensic Examination
                                                                             Chapel Hill, NC
         Additional areas of expertise include:   OF-SERVICE                 Phone: (240) 447-9123
         Fatigue, Driver Fatigue, Hours of Service,                          E-mail: [email protected]
         Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, Traffic
         Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Shift Work,   Larry Parker Jr., PhD  (Please see our resume on page 67 for further
         Operator Fatigue in Industrial Accidents,                         details.)
         Pilot Fatigue in Aviation and Crew Fatigue in   P42 Consulting LLC
         Maritime Operations.              Tampa, FL                       Larry Parker Jr., PhD
                                           Phone: (813) 352-2380
        (Please see our resume on page 67 for further   E-mail: larry.parker@parkerbusinessventures.  P42 Consulting LLC
        details.)                          com                               Tampa, FL
                                                                             Phone: (813) 352-2380
                                          (Please see our resume on page 69 for further   E-mail: larry.parker@parkerbusinessventures.
                                          details.)                          com
                                          Fred W. Turek                    (Please see our resume on page 69 for further
                                           Ph.D.                           details.)
                                           Stoneham, MA
                                           Phone: (781) 439 6325
                                           E-mail: [email protected]
                                          (Please see our resume on page 72 for further

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