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Legal Ethics                                                   ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

               LEGAL ETHICS               Peter W. Leibundgut,              LEGAL SERVICES EXPERT
                                          Esq.                                       WITNESS
                                           PD&J Associates, LLC
        Bernard J. DiMuro                  President and CEO
         DiMuroGinsberg P.C.               6102 Augusta Drive Apt . 308    Lynda Hayes
         Alexandria, VA                    Fort Myers, FL 33907              Germantown, MD
         Phone: (703) 684-4333             Phone: (856) 912-8470             Phone: (844) 633-5345
         E-mail: bdimuro@dimuro .com       E-mail: PeterL@pdjassociatesllc .com  Cell: (570) 446-9204
                                           Web: http://www .pdjassociatesllc .com  E-mail: lhayes@medlegalpro .com
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   blank  333 Stoney Brook Lane  (Please see our resume on page 206 for further
        Legal Malpractice)                 Marlton, NJ 08053               details.)
                                           Phone: (856) 912-8470
                                           E-mail: peterl@pdjassociatesllc .com  Keyhill Sheorn, MD
           LEGAL MALPRACTICE               Web: http://www .pdjassociatesllc .com  Midlothian, VA
                                                                             Phone: (804) 240-1095
                                           Degrees/Licenses: Vermont Law School   E-mail: sheorn@mac .com
                                           - Juris Doctor, May 1983: Dickinson College -
                                           Bachelor of Arts, May 1980      (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           Bar of the State of New York, 1984; Bar of   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                           the State of New Jersey 1985; U .S . District   Psychiatry)
                                           Courts: Southern District of NY, May 1984 and
                                           Eastern District of NY, June 1984
                                           Profile: Expert Witness in legal malpractice,
        Bernard J. DiMuro                  lender liability, lending and financial fraud   SUPPORT
         DiMuroGinsberg P.C.               cases based upon 37 years of experience
         908 King Street, Suite 200        representing banks and public finance
         Alexandria, VA 22314              entities in conventional and innovative   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         Phone: (703) 684-4333             financings. Responsible for  performing and   LLC
         Fax: (703) 548-3181               overseeing due diligence, structuring, closing
         E-mail: bdimuro@dimuro .com       and restructuring public and commercial   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
                                           debt and equity transactions on behalf of   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
         Degrees/Licenses: JD George Washington   lenders and borrowers . Consultant to banks,   CEO
         1979                              government agencies and regulators in   Lubbock, TX
         BA Northwestern University 1976   mergers and acquisitions, special assets   Phone: (806) 773-7787
                                           and work-outs, and developing regulatory   E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,
         Profile: Bernard J . DiMuro is Managing   compliant commercial lending policies,   jrasty@rwfei .com
         Partner of DiMuroGinsberg P .C ., a litigation   processes and procedures to meet financial
         firm located in Alexandria, Virginia.  He is   crisis concerns and  emerging laws and   (Please see our resume on page 199 for further
         a former President of the Virginia State Bar   regulations . Experienced in complex   details.)
         and is widely known for his expertise in Legal   credit transactions including: Asset based,
         Ethics and his experience in Professional   factoring, securitizations, bonds, syndications,
         Responsibility and Commercial and Business   healthcare, commercial real estate, P3s,
         Litigation .  He served on the State Bar’s   transportation, purchase order, mortgage,
         Committee to Study the Code of Professional   public and private offerings, letters of credit,
         Responsibility and participates in the Virginia   secured and unsecured transactions,
         Continuing Legal Education’s program to   equipment leasing, microfinance, aircraft and
         teach ethics and professional responsibility   vessel finance. He has served as an expert,
         to new members of the Virginia State Bar .    provided litigation support, rendered expert
         Mr . DiMuro is a Fellow of the American   reports and testified in cases involving over
         Bar Association, The Litigation Counsel of   eight billion dollars of claims and potential
         America and the Virginia Law Foundation .   liabilities over the last eleven years . Mr .
                                           Leibundgut has handled over fifty cases
         Mr . DiMuro has tried more than 200 cases   providing litigation support, reports, deposition
         to completion and is well known for his   and trial testimony . Three of these cases
         experience in the unusually efficient Federal   were nationally recognized cases of first
         Court of Alexandria, often known as the   impression .
         “Rocket Docket.” He is qualified as an Expert
         Witness in state and federal courts on matters   Additional Credentials, Case Experience,
         relating to Professional Responsibility, Civil   Rate Schedule and References are
         Litigation, and Employment Law .  available upon request.
                                          (Please see our resume on page 189 for further

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