Page 96 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Intellectual Property Computer Software                        ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022
                                           Wake Forest University, McGill University,
               INTELLECTUAL                American University, State University of   Please visit http://www .disputesoft .com for
                                                                             more information about our practice .
                                           New York at Buffalo, New York Law School,
           PROPERTY COMPUTER               University of Dayton, San Fernando Valley
                 SOFTWARE                  College of Law, Northwestern California   (Please see our resume on page 179 for further
                                           University, Golden Gate University   details.)

                                           DisputeSoft staff have been admitted to   Tony Mason
        DisputeSoft                        the following state bars: Virginia, Maryland,
        Experts in Software-               Washington, D .C ., Ohio, New York, California   Milford, NH
                                                                             Phone: (888) 678-9891
        Related Disputes                   (inactive)                        E-mail: tony@wamason .com
         Dr. Raj Subbu,                    Profile: DisputeSoft specializes in litigation
         President &                       consulting and expert testimony services   (Please see our resume on page 192 for further
         Managing Member                   in information technology-related disputes   details.)
         Anne Ackerman                     involving software project failure, copyright
          Tom Ashley                       infringement, trade secret misappropriation,   INTELLECTUAL
                                           and patent infringement . E-discovery and
          Lubomyr Chabursky                computer forensics are core disciplines used   PROPERTY LITIGATION
          Evan D’Aversa                    to support these substantive practice areas .   ASSISTANCE
          Nick Ferrara                     We apply our 250+ years of combined IT
                                           experience to the investigation, analysis, and
          Aaron Green                      reporting of findings and opinions in disputes
          Frank Hydoski                    involving computers, data, or software to help   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
          G. Hunter Jones                  our clients address the complex technical   LLC
          Aparna V. Kaliappan              issues needed to cost-effectively resolve such   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
                                           disputes . Our work product frequently includes
          Allen Klein                      an expert report, which we are prepared to   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
          Andrew Milano                    defend at deposition and at trial .   CEO
          Jeff C. Parmet                     DisputeSoft provides a broad range of   Lubbock, TX
          Andrew Schulman                  services to its clients, including:   Phone: (806) 773-7787
          Josh Siegel                      • Analyzing schedule delay, percent complete,   E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,
                                                                             jrasty@rwfei .com
          J. Todd Trivett                  defects, and technical debt
          T.J. Wolf                          • Conducting literal and non-literal   (Please see our resume on page 199 for further
          Kimon Yiasemides                 infringement analysis through source code   details.)
         6116 Executive Boulevard          comparison and the abstraction-filtration-
         Suite 330                         comparison (AFC) test
         North Bethesda, MD 20852                                                 INTELLECTUAL
         Phone: (301) 251-6313             • Reviewing project documents and   PROPERTY-COMPUTERS
         Fax: (240) 465-4442               conducting witness interviews
         E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com  • Assessing adherence to applicable industry
         Web: https://http://www .disputesoft .com  standard best practices and software   DisputeSoft
                                           development lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies
         Degrees/Licenses: DisputeSoft staff   • Developing patent claim charts, researching   Experts in Software-Related
         certifications include: Project Management   prior art, and opining on infringement and   Disputes
         Professional (PMP); Certified Associate in   validity               Dr. Raj Subbu, President &
         Project Management (CAPM); Professional   • Examining source code for license violations,   Managing Member
         Software Engineering Master (PSEM);   security gaps, reliability and maintainability
         Certified Software Development Professional   • Performing unit, functional validation, and   Anne Ackerman
         (CSDP); Certified Forensics Examiner (EnCE);   performance testing, Investigating computer    Tom Ashley
         Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist;   systems, networks, servers, databases, and    Lubomyr Chabursky
         Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator   metadata
         (MCSA); Microsoft Certified Systems   • Evaluating system vulnerabilities and    Evan D’Aversa
         Engineer (MCSE); ISTQB Certified Software   adherence to applicable data privacy and data    Nick Ferrara
         Tester; GIAC Computer Forensics Examiner   security regulations, policies, and procedures    Aaron Green
         (GCFE); Certified Enterprise Architect (CEA),                        Frank Hydoski
         Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence;   DisputeSoft’s experts have opined and
         Technical Services Certified (TSC),   testified in federal and state courts on    G. Hunter Jones
         American Staffing Association (ASA); Oracle   matters concerning issues such as project    Aparna V. Kaliappan
         Database SQL Certified Associate; Microsoft   management, software license and    Allen Klein
         Technology Associate (MTA): Database   professional service agreements, and
         Fundamentals                      system failure, architecture, and integration .    Andrew Milano
                                           DisputeSoft has worked with software genres    Jeff C. Parmet
         DisputeSoft staff have obtained the following   including: enterprise resource planning (ERP),    Andrew Schulman
         undergraduate and graduate degrees   customer relationship management (CRM),    Josh Siegel
         in computer science and engineering:   point of sale (POS), and electronic medical
         M .S ., Howard University; M .S ., University   record (EMR) . Our experts have experience    J. Todd Trivett
         of Maryland, Baltimore County; B .S .,   with programming languages including: C#,    T.J. Wolf
         Massachusetts Institute of Technology;   C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL,    Kimon Yiasemides
         B .S ., University of Maryland, Baltimore   HTML/CSS, Ruby, Bash, and Prolog, among
         County; B .S ., East Stroudsburg University of   others . DisputeSoft’s practice is international   North Bethesda, MD
         Pennsylvania; B .S ., University of Maryland,   in scope and has assisted major clients in   Phone: (301) 251-6313
         College Park; B .A ., Wesleyan University; B .A .,   the financial, manufacturing, healthcare,   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
         Oberlin College; B .A ., Carleton College; B .A .,   government, and insurance industries, among
         North Carolina State University   many others .                   (Please see our resume on page 179 for further
         DisputeSoft staff have obtained J .D . or LL .M .    Attorneys requiring expert assistance in these
         degrees from the following institutions: George   areas are invited to contact DisputeSoft for a
         Washington University, University of Virginia,   private consultation .

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