Page 58 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Criminal Defense                                               ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

            CRIMINAL DEFENSE                  CRIMINAL JUSTICE                       DAMAGES

        Notable Software, Inc.            Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,   Key Coleman, CPA, CFA,
         Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D.           CPM                              CPCU, ARe
         Digital Forensic Expert           East Coast Private Investigations   Litigation Economic &
         116 Grayson Ave .                 of New Jersey, LLC                Forensic Consulting
         Hamilton, NJ 08619                Morristown, NJ                    Group LLC
         Phone: (609) 587-1886             Phone: (973) 725-9677             2435 Hillcrest Rd
         E-mail: notable@mindspring .com   E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com
         Web: http://www .notablesoftware .com/                              Drexel Hill, PA 19026
         experts .html                    (Please see our resume on page 181 for further   Phone: (215) 779-5452
                                                                             E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com
                                          details.)                          Web: http://www .lefcg .com
         Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D . and Master
         of Science in Engineering, University                               Degrees/Licenses: MBA-Finance, BA-
         of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering
         and Applied Science; Master of Science    CRIMINAL                  Economics, CPA, CFA, CPCU, ARe
         in Computer Science, Drexel University;   RESPONSIBILITY
         Bachelor of Music, University of the Arts;                          Profile: Key Coleman focuses on damages
         Bachelor of Science in Computer Science,                            analysis and expert testimony in the context
         Penn State .  Honorary Titles: IEEE Computer   Bill Geis, Ph.D.     of commercial disputes .  He has more than
         Society Distinguished Contributor; Association                      30 years of experience providing business
         of Computing Machinery Senior Life Member;   (Director of Behavior Health   and financial analysis, both in industry and
         IEEE Life Member; Audio Engineering Society   Research - Professor of   as a consultant .  He is a former partner in a
         Senior Life Member .              Psychiatry)                       Big Four accounting firm in Chicago where
                                                                             he spent a large part of his career .  Key has
                                           University of Missouri - Kansas   analyzed damages in industries including
         Profile: 25 years of court-related and public
         advocacy work as an expert witness on   City School of Medicine     agricultural products, healthcare, retail,
         computer and engineering matters including:   Kansas City, MO       intellectual property, manufacturing, insurance
         investigative forensics, reviews, analysis;   Phone: (816) 756-1227  and reinsurance .
         written reports, sworn affidavits, inputs on   E-mail: billgeis@earthlink .net  Areas: Accounting, Agencies, Agent, Breach
                                                                             of Contract Damages, Broker, Business
         briefs; depositions and courtroom testimony;
         presentations at municipal, county, state   (Please see our complete listing under the   Breakup, Business Interruption, Claims,
         and federal hearings and trials . Fluency in   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Commercial Disputes, Commutations,
         reading and describing software code and   Psychiatry & Psychology)  Collateral, Damages, D&O, Economic
         circuit diagrams . Especially skilled with                          Damages, E&O, Force Placed, Forensic
                                                                             Accounting, Hazard Insurance, Insolvency,
         obtaining exculpatory eDiscovery items
         that opposition has not revealed . Primary   CUSTOM/PRACTICES       Insurance Accounting, Insurance Damages,
         areas of focus: business disputes, computer                         Intellectual Property, Life Insurance, Lost
         forensics, computer intellectual property,                          Profits, Managing General Agencies (MGAs),
         criminal defense, cybersecurity, elections &                        Mortgage Insurance, PEOs, Manufacturing,
                                                                             Professional Liability, Reciprocal, Risk
         voting, forensic digital audio and multimedia,   Richard G. Pfluger, MBA, LUTCF
         standards compliance . Author of 50+ technical   Gillette, NJ       Retention Group (RRG), Reinsurance
         papers . Quoted extensively in commercial,   Phone: (908) 647-1743  Damages, Run-Off, Third Party Administrators
         trade and academic press .        E-mail: [email protected]  (TPAs), Underwriting, Wage Loss and
                                                                             Workers’ Compensation .
                                          (Please see our resume on page 195 for further   http://www .linkedin .com/pub/key-coleman-
         CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION           details.)
        Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,      DAMAGE ANALYSIS               DAMAGES CALCULATIONS
        CPM                                                                        & REBUTTAL
         East Coast Private Investigations   Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,
         of New Jersey, LLC               ARe                              Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,
         Morristown, NJ                    Litigation Economic & Forensic   ARe
         Phone: (973) 725-9677                                               Litigation Economic & Forensic
         E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com    Consulting Group LLC
                                           Drexel Hill, PA                   Consulting Group LLC
        (Please see our resume on page 181 for further   Phone: (215) 779-5452  Drexel Hill, PA
        details.)                          E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com   Phone: (215) 779-5452
                                                                             E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com
        Rapperport Associates, Inc.       (Please see our complete listing under the
         Daniel Rapperport                following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         Lexington, MA                                                     Damages)
         Phone: (781) 862-9001
         Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822                                       Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
         E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
                                                                             Scarsdale, NY
        (Please see our resume on page 197 for further                       Phone: (914) 725-4882
        details.)                                                            E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 191 for further

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