Page 62 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Dram Shop                                                      ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

                DRAM SHOP                  DRIVER PERFORMANCE/                  DRUG TOXICOLOGY
                                                   BEHAVIOR                      (DRUG TESTING)
        Dr. James C. Norris
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Rapperport Associates, Inc.    Dr. James C. Norris
         Pharmacology                      Daniel Rapperport                 Expert Witness in Toxicology and
         Benton, AR                        Lexington, MA                     Pharmacology
         Phone: (866) 526-6774             Phone: (781) 862-9001             Benton, AR
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822    Phone: (866) 526-6774
                                           E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com    E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
        (Please see our resume on page 194 for further
        details.)                         (Please see our resume on page 197 for further   (Please see our resume on page 194 for further
                                          details.)                        details.)
             DRINKING WATER                                                Rodney G. Richmond, MS,
                                               DRIVER TRAINING             PharmD, BCGP, FASCP

        Chuck Dutill, P.E., D.F.E.                                           The Mackenzie Group, LLC
         Expert Witness/Principal         Scott L. Turner                    SEARCY, AR
                                                                             Phone: (304) 612-9045
         Consultant                        Truck Accident & Incident         E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org
         Heritage Technical Services, Inc.   Experts, LLC dba/ Scott L Turner
         Hydrology and Environmental       Consulting                      (Please see our resume on page 209 for further
         Engineering EXPERTISE             Naples, FL                      details.)
         West Chester, PA                  Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
                                           Cell: (931) 213-4398
         Phone: (610) 701-5650                                               DRUGS & CONTROLLED
         E-mail: cdutill@heritageservices .com  E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
                                          blank                                    SUBSTANCES
                                           Blairstown, NJ
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (908) 496-4273
        Hydrology)                         Cell: (931) 213-4398            Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD,
                                           Toll Free Phone: (844) 974-1870
                                           E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  BCGP, FASCP
            DRIVER & MOTORIST             blank  Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  The Mackenzie Group, LLC
                                                                             SEARCY, AR
                  FATIGUE                  Cell: (931) 213-4398              Phone: (304) 612-9045
                                                                             E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org
                                           Spencer , TN
        Scott L. Turner                    Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  (Please see our resume on page 209 for further
         Truck Accident & Incident         Cell: (931) 213-4398            details.)
                                           E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
         Experts, LLC dba/ Scott L Turner                                  Sadie Sheafe, Ph.D., LCSW, ABS,
         Consulting                       (Please see our resume on page 203 for further   Dip
         Naples, FL                       details.)
         Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870                                    Psychotherapist / Clinical
         Cell: (931) 213-4398                                                Sexologist
         E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  DROWNINGS & AQUATIC       DQS Healthcare Group
        blank                                       INJURIES                 Newport News, VA
         Blairstown, NJ                                                      Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7
         Phone: (908) 496-4273                                               Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673
         Cell: (931) 213-4398                                                E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com
         Toll Free Phone: (844) 974-1870  Trevor A. Sherwood II
         E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com  Pool Operation Management  blank  Virginia Beach, VA
                                           Brick, NJ
        blank                                                                Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7
         Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  Phone: (732) 451-1040             Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673
         Cell: (931) 213-4398              E-mail: pom4info@gmail .com       E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com
         Spencer , TN                     (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 210 for further
         Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   details.)
         Cell: (931) 213-4398             Swimming Pool)
         E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
                                                                                DRUGS CHEMISTRY
        (Please see our resume on page 203 for further   DRUG TESTING
                                                                           Dr. James C. Norris
                                          Dr. James C. Norris                Expert Witness in Toxicology and
                                           Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Pharmacology
                                           Pharmacology                      Benton, AR
                                           Benton, AR                        Phone: (866) 526-6774
                                           Phone: (866) 526-6774             E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                           E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 194 for further
                                          (Please see our resume on page 194 for further   details.)

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