Page 48 - ALMExperts 2020 New Jersey Directory
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Business/ERP Software                                           ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020

               BUSINESS/ERP                      CAMP SAFETY                         CAMPING
                                          Robert E. (Bob)                  Robert E. (Bob) Preston
        Brooks Hilliard                   Preston                            The Camp Doctor Inc.
         Business                          The Camp Doctor                   North Chesterfield, VA
         Automation                        Inc.                              Phone: (804) 320-5050 - Office
                                                                             Alt . Phone: (804) 363-1959 - Cell
         Associates, Inc.                  8906 Brucewood Drive              Toll Free Phone: 1(800)-806-CAMP (2267)
         11811 N . Tatum Blvd, Ste         North Chesterfield, VA            E-mail: thecampdoctorinc@comcast .net
         Phoenix, AZ 85028-1632            Phone: (804) 320-5050 - Office  (Please see our complete listing under the
         Phone: (602) 264-9263             Alt . Phone: (804) 363-1959 - Cell  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         Fax: (602) 532-7244               Fax: (804) 320-4446             Camps, Conference Centers, Recreation
         E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com  Toll Free Phone: 1(800)-806-CAMP (2267)  Centers)
                                           E-mail: thecampdoctorinc@comcast .net
         Web: http://www .computerexpertwitness .com
                                           Web: http://www .campdoctor .com
         Profile: Brooks Hilliard has testified more than
         60 times as a computer expert witness and   Degrees/Licenses: BS Degree in Biology,
         has been engaged on more than 100 such   Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, Graduate
         matters for both plaintiffs and defendants .   of the 251st National Training School for
                                           the Boy Scouts of America, Graduate of the
         He has done expert witness and consulting
         assignments in 35 states, and has qualified   National Camp Schools of the Boy Scouts
         as an expert witness on computer software   of America, and continuing Professional
         and hardware (including ERP, SCM and CRM   Development with the American Camp
         systems) in both state and federal litigation .   Association .
         His expert witness engagements have
         included courtroom and deposition testimony   Profile: For over 65 years, I have had a
         in lawsuits, arbitrations, mediations and formal   relationship with camps by attending as
         governmental hearings .           a youth, serving as a camp counselor,
                                           managing as a camp director, being a camp
         Mr . Hilliard has worked as a computer and   administrator as a BSA Scout Executive, and
         management consultant since the 1980s,   now a nationally known camp consultant .
         and has experience in software development,   Since 2000, Bob has been a designated
         project management, and computer/software   expert witness or court appointed receiver
         sales and marketing .             assisting legal professionals in both District
                                           and Federal court situations .

                                           His area of expertise ranges from camp
                   CABLES                  staff training issues, maintenance concerns,
                                           risk management mitigation, environmental
                                           challenges, property management issues,
        Real-World Forensic Engineering,   human resources, program design impacts,
        LLC                                aquatics activities, firearm safety, child
         Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,      protection matters, standards of care and
                                           concern for campers/guests, and American
         MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &     Camp Association Accreditation deviations .
         CEO                               Bob serves as a certified ACA Lead Visitor
         Lubbock, TX                       and BSA/National Camp Accreditation
         Phone: (806) 368-9811             Program, Camp Assessment Committee Chair
         Alt . Phone: (806) 773-7787       in the BSA Southern Region - Area 7 .
         E-mail: Info@ExpertEngineering .com
                                           The Camp Doctor Inc . has a proven track
                                           record with many endorsements from our
        (Please see our resume on page 257 for further   client attorneys in AZ, AR, CA, CT, DC, FL,
                                           IA, IL, KY, ME, MD, MO, MN, MT, NJ, NY,
                                           NC, NM, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WV
                                           and WY .

                                           Honors: Rotary International - “Service Above
                                           Self” Award and the Rotary Foundation -
                                           Citation for Meritorious Service; Boy Scouts
                                           of America - Silver Beaver and NESA
                                           Outstanding Eagle Scout Award; American
                                           Camp Association - Outstanding Service
                                           Award and Premier Business Affiliate; Camp
                                           Virginia Jaycee and Chesterfield County, VA -
                                           Hall of Fame .
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                          Camps, Conference Centers, Recreation

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