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Cell Phones                                                     ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020
                                           device and vehicle infotainment/telematics   at the 2014 Detective Symposium . He is a
               CELL PHONES                 exams . Vehicle infotainment/telematics   P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley,
                                           systems can contain a wealth of data (e .g .
                                                                             Sacramento, San Diego Regional Training
                                           GPS location of a vehicle when a door is   Centers, and is an instructor for CDAA
                                           opened or closed, text message content, call   (California District Attorney Association) .
        Jim Cook                           logs, braking events, parking events, gear   He has also been an instructor at the 2009
         Premier Customer                  shifting events to name a few - complete with   Sexual Assault Investigators Association
         Connections                       GPS location, date and time, etc .) . Many   Conference, the 2010, 2011, and 2014
                                                                             Detective Symposium, 2012 SAREX, the 2014
                                           vehicles manufactured in 2008 and newer are
         ...your Wireless                  supported by the forensics tool, but not all .   - 2018 CDAA-Digital Evidence Symposium,
         Experts...                        For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook   the 2015, 2016 CDAA-Fraud Symposium, and
         Salida, CA 95368                  a call .                          the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2016 HTCIA
         Phone: (209) 606-2665                                               International Conference . He is a member of
         Fax: 209-545-0345                (Please see our complete listing under the   HTCIA (High Technology Crime Investigation
         E-mail: Jimcook5413@gmail .com   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Association) .
                                          Cellular Evidence Analysis)
         Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T,                         In addition, Mr . Cook’s company has the ability
         Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS,                           to unlock numerous devices and provide
         Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel   CELLULAR EVIDENCE         device and vehicle infotainment/telematics
         Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch to name a few                          exams . Vehicle infotainment/telematics
         and is versed in all Carrier billing formats and   ANALYSIS         systems can contain a wealth of data (e .g .
         Network operations . In addition manufacture                        GPS location of a vehicle when a door is
         training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Nokia, Samsung,                      opened or closed, text message content, call
         LG, RIM, Ericsson, Technocel, and Shintom .  Jim Cook               logs, braking events, parking events, gear
                                           Premier Customer                  shifting events to name a few - complete with
         Profile: Jim Cook is a Wireless Expert with   Connections           GPS location, date and time, etc .) . Many
         over 32 years of experience in the Cellular                         vehicles manufactured in 2008 and newer are
         Industry . He is versed in all Carrier Billing   ...your Wireless   supported by the forensics tool, but not all .
         Formats, and makes recommendations to   Experts...                  For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook
         Law Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil   Salida, CA 95368          a call .
         Matters) on ways to maximize the evidence   Phone: (209) 606-2665
         available from Cellular Phones, the carrier/  Fax: 209-545-0345
         service providers, social media, IoT (internet   E-mail: Jimcook5413@gmail .com  CHARTER & TOUR
         of things) data, vehicle infotainment/telematics
         data, and video . Mr . Cook then analyzes the   Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T,   SERVICES
         data and maps the activity associated with the   Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS,
         device(s) . The mapping provides a graphic   Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel
         representation of the records showing the   Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch to name a few   Transportation Alternatives
         location of device(s) during a specific event   and is versed in all Carrier billing formats and   Ned Einstein, President
         or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies   Network operations . In addition manufacture   158-18 Riverside Drive West
         in Court, he has the ability to explain the   training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Nokia, Samsung,   Suite 3F-50
         technical aspects of how a cellular phone   LG, RIM, Ericsson, Technocel, and Shintom .  New York, NY 10032
         operates, and to interpret the various types                        Phone: (212) 766-1121
         of Records to a jury so that a lay person can   Profile: Jim Cook is a Wireless Expert with   Fax: (917) 675-7068
         understand it .                   over 32 years of experience in the Cellular   E-mail: einstein@transalt .com
                                           Industry . He is versed in all Carrier Billing   Web: http://www .transalt .com
         Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of   Formats, and makes recommendations to
         cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents,   Law Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil   (Please see our resume on page 263 for further
         Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Arson,   Matters) on ways to maximize the evidence   details.)
         and Homicide, in both State and Federal Court   available from Cellular Phones, the carrier/
         where Cellular Phone data and records were a   service providers, social media, IoT (internet
         key piece of evidence .           of things) data, vehicle infotainment/telematics
                                           data, and video . Mr . Cook then analyzes the   CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS
         Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the   data and maps the activity associated with the
         HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award”   device(s) . The mapping provides a graphic
         (2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015-   representation of the records showing the   Robert Malanga, PE
         “State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and   location of device(s) during a specific event   Fire & Risk Engineering
         Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology   or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies
         Magazine” May 2011 issue . He also did the   in Court, he has the ability to explain the   Long Valley, NJ
         analysis, mapping and testified in the case   technical aspects of how a cellular phone   Phone: (908) 876-3255
         People vs . Jason Gilley which Det . Brad   operates, and to interpret the various types   E-mail: [email protected]
         Burrell of the Stockton Police Department   of Records to a jury so that a lay person can
         received the Investigative Excellence Award   understand it .     (Please see our resume on page 248 for further
         at the 2014 Detective Symposium . He is a                         details.)
         P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley,   Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of
         Sacramento, San Diego Regional Training   cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents,   Trevor A. Sherwood II
         Centers, and is an instructor for CDAA   Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Arson,   Pool Operation Management
         (California District Attorney Association) .   and Homicide, in both State and Federal Court   Brick, NJ
         He has also been an instructor at the 2009   where Cellular Phone data and records were a   Phone: (732) 451-1040
         Sexual Assault Investigators Association   key piece of evidence .   E-mail: pom4info@gmail .com
         Conference, the 2010, 2011, and 2014
         Detective Symposium, 2012 SAREX, the 2014   Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the   (Please see our complete listing under the
         - 2018 CDAA-Digital Evidence Symposium,   HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award”   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         the 2015, 2016 CDAA-Fraud Symposium, and   (2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015-   Swimming Pool)
         the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2016 HTCIA   “State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and
         International Conference . He is a member of   Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology
         HTCIA (High Technology Crime Investigation   Magazine” May 2011 issue . He also did the
         Association) .                    analysis, mapping and testified in the case
                                           People vs . Jason Gilley which Det . Brad
         In addition, Mr . Cook’s company has the ability   Burrell of the Stockton Police Department
         to unlock numerous devices and provide
                                           received the Investigative Excellence Award
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