Page 54 - ALMExperts 2020 New Jersey Directory
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Civil Litigation ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020
John J. Hare Rapperport Associates, Inc.
John J. Hare, RA, PE, PP, NAFE Daniel Rapperport CIVIL-STRUCTURAL
(S.M.) Lexington, MA ENGINEERING
Turnersville, NJ Phone: (781) 862-9001
Phone: (856) 589-9302 Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
E-mail: johnharepera@comcast .net E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
Craig L. Moskowitz, P.E.
(Please see our resume on page 239 for further (Please see our resume on page 256 for further CLM Engineering
details.) details.) Associates, LLC
PO Box 4532
Richard T. Hughes Stamford, CT 06907
R. Hughes Engineering, P.C. CIVIL LITIGATION Phone: (866) 432-4677
Clearfield, PA Fax: (203) 504-8838
E-mail: clmprofessionalengineer@gmail .com
Phone: (814) 765-8698 Web: http://www .clmpe .com
Alt . Phone: (800) 819-1004 Gregory D. Saputelli, Esquire
E-mail: rhughes@hughesengineering .net Haddon Heights, NJ blank
Phone: (856) 313-6223 (cell) PO Box 394
(Please see our resume on page 240 for further E-mail: gregsaputelli@comcast .net Montvale, NJ 07645
(Please see our complete listing under the Degrees/Licenses: BS in Civil Engineering
following area of expertise: Expert Categories: (University of Maine)
Legal Malpractice) MBA, concentration in International Finance
(University of Bridgeport)
MS in Construction Administration (Columbia
Carl E. Peters, PE, PLS, PP, CO Profile: CLM Engineering Associates,
Carl E. Peters, LLC Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS, LLC, concentrates its focus on forensic
engineering/expert witness evaluations for
720 King Georges Road, Suite #402 CPM the insurance industry and legal community .
Fords, NJ 08863-1974 Such evaluations include but are not limited to
Phone: (609) 751-4104 East Coast Private Investigations construction defects and accidents, slips, trips
E-mail: cpeters@carlepeters .com of New Jersey, LLC and falls, ADA/code compliance issues, OSHA
Web: http://www .carlepeters .com Brookside, NJ non-compliance and storm event damage . We
Phone: (973) 725-9677 have experts to handle electrical engineering,
Degrees/Licenses: P .E ., PLS, P .P ., E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com mechanical engineering maritime matters
Construction Official, Building Subcode and others . In addition, we offer construction
Official, Plumbing Subcode Official, USCG 50 (Please see our resume on page 235 for further management, civil engineering, value
Ton Master details.) engineering and building inspection services .
We have experience in being deposed and
Profile: Expertise in the areas of Land serving as trial consultants . Numerous cases
Use, Municipal and Civil Engineering, have already settled/went to trial and we
Construction inspection and administration maintain an active caseload of work . We have
and Code Enforcement in the State of NJ . He advised numerous clients with respect to their
holds licenses as a Professional Engineer, current and potential structural issues related
Professional Land Surveyor, Professional to the acquisition and disposition of real estate
Planner, Construction Official, Building Official (both residential and commercial), performed
and Plumbing Official, enabling him to analyze costs estimates/projections and have vast
the development process from concept experience in performing quality assurance
design through issuance of a Certificate of inspections for high-rise apartment buildings
Occupancy . and rental communities in both Connecticut
and New Jersey .
Land Use Issues - Site Plans, Subdivisions,
Variances (Please see our resume on page 232 for further
Municipal and Civil Engineering issues -
streets, sidewalks, sewers, drainage, traffic Richard T. Hughes
and parking
R. Hughes Engineering, P.C.
NJ Uniform Construction code Clearfield, PA
Phone: (814) 765-8698
Malpractice claims against Professional Alt . Phone: (800) 819-1004
Engineers and Land Surveyors E-mail: rhughes@hughesengineering .net
Construction Claims (Please see our resume on page 240 for further
Handicapped access/ADA design issues
Litigation support for attorneys for cases
involving engineering, land surveying,
construction, land use, building codes or NJ
municipal government .
Mediation of disputes between: project
owners, design professionals, code officials,
contractors and insurance carriers or
neighborhood issues such as drainage
problems or boundary line disputes .
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