Page 113 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025                                                  Sex Abuse
                                                                               Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
                     SECURITY                  SECURITY NEGLIGENCE             MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                                                                President & CEO
                                                                                Real-World Forensic Engineering,
            Billy K. Johnson                 Billy K. Johnson                   LLC
             Principal Security                Principal Security Consultant    Lubbock, TX
             Consultant                        J-2 Security Services            Phone: (806) 368-9811
             J-2 Security Services             Mason, TX                        E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
             1303 U .S . Hwy 377               Phone: (325) 347-7048           (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
             Mason, TX 76856                   E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com
             Phone: (325) 347-7048                                             details.)
             E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com  (Please see our complete listing under the
             Web:  http://www .j-2securityservices .com  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                             Security)                          SENTENCING MITIGATION
             Degrees/Licenses: Physical Security
             Professional, Critical Infrastructure Protection
             Instructor, Crime Prevention Through   SECURITY PRACTICES &       Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
             Environmental Design Instructor .
                                                     PROCEDURES                 Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
             Profile: Billy K . Johnson, PSP, CPTED is the                      Cambridge, MA
             owner and Principal Consultant of J-2 Security                     Phone: (617) 492-8366
             Services, LLC . Billy is an independent   Billy K. Johnson         E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
             security consultant and testifying expert   Principal Security Consultant
             that specializes in negligent security and   J-2 Security Services  (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
             premises liability cases . He consults regarding                  details.)
             the security and safety aspects of both   Mason, TX
                                               Phone: (325) 347-7048
             commercial, governmental, and residential   E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com
             properties . He has performed security                                     SEX ABUSE
             assessments for facilities such as courthouses
             (Federal and State), jails, data centers,   (Please see our complete listing under the
             logistics warehouses, nightclubs, corporate   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   George S. Glass, MD
             offices, college campuses, apartment   Security)
             complexes, and parking garages . He performs                       Houston, TX
             case review, preparation of expert opinion                         Phone: (713) 666-9811
                                                                                E-mail: gdoc123@aol .com
             reports, and testimony to assist in litigation .   SECURITY TRAINING

             Mr . Johnson is retired from the United States                    (Please see our resume on page 188 for further
             Marshals Service and is board-certified in   Billy K. Johnson     details.)
             physical security by ASIS International . He   Principal Security Consultant
             is certified as an instructor and practitioner                    R. Leslie Nichols, MS,
             in Crime Prevention Through Environmental   J-2 Security Services  CPP
             Design (CPTED) through the Texas A&M   Mason, TX                   R.L. Nichols &
             Engineering Extension Service, where is   Phone: (325) 347-7048
             serves as an adjunct instructor, training   E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com  Associates, LLC
             emergency managers across the U .S . in                            1723 University Avenue, Suite B   EXPERT CATEGORIES
             Critical Infrastructure Protection . He is an   (Please see our complete listing under the   Unit 228
             active member of the International Association   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Oxford, MS 38655
             of Professional Security Consultants and a   Security)             Phone: (404) 247-0797
             vetted member of InfraGard, contributing to                        E-mail: lnichols@lesnichols .com
             a partnership between the FBI and private                          Web: http://www .LesNichols .com
             sector by providing security-specific insight.   SECURITY/PREMISES
                                                                                Degrees/Licenses: MS in Security
             Billy has testified in both federal and state   LIABILITY          Administration; Graduate Certificate in
             court on many occasions in various types of                        Enterprise Risk Management; Board Certified
             hearings, including District and Magistrate                        Protection Professional (ASIS International),
             Court, and before Grand Juries . He has   Billy K. Johnson         Board Certified Security Consultant (IAPSC)
             testified as an expert in multiple states, on   Principal Security Consultant
             plaintiff and defense cases .                                      Profile: Over 30 years’ experience in the
                                               J-2 Security Services            prevention of child sexual abuse and other
                                               Mason, TX                        injuries within youth-serving organizations .
            SECURITY CONSULTATION              Phone: (325) 347-7048            Retired National VP of Child Safety for Boys
                                               E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com
                                                                                & Girls Clubs of America . Past President of
                                                                                the National Coalition for the Prevention of
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the   Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation . Safety
            Billy K. Johnson                 following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   consultant to schools and other organizations .
             Principal Security Consultant   Security)                          Offers expert testimony, report writing and
             J-2 Security Services                                              litigation support for plaintiff and defense bar
             Mason, TX                       R. Leslie Nichols, MS, CPP         in cases involving child sexual abuse and
             Phone: (325) 347-7048             R.L. Nichols & Associates, LLC   physical injury to children in the care and
                                                                                custody of organizations and businesses .
             E-mail: bkjohnson1604@gmail .com  Oxford, MS                       Retained in cases involving schools, sports,
                                               Phone: (404) 247-0797            churches, camping and other youth-
            (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: lnichols@lesnichols .com  development programs .
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            Security)                        (Please see our complete listing under the
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                             Sex Abuse)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              99
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